Facilitation Centre for Industrial
Plasma Technologies
Institute for Plasma Research
Gandhinagar |
: A. Satyaprasad
Qualification :
B.E. (Metallurgy)
Officer - E
Contact |
Phone :
079 - 23269024
Mobile :
+91 - 9426032609
E-mail ID
: asprasad@ipr.res.in, sakkireddy@yahoo.com |
Current Projects |
- Co-PI; Development of M.Sc. level Plasma
Physics experiments.
- Team Member; Development of Surface Flashover
Plasma Source.
- Team Member; Development of Hot Dip
Aluminizing coatings for TBM.
- Team Member; Development of magnetron based
Plasma Aluminizing process for Inconel (IN718) alloys.
Publications |
"Deposition of thick and adherent Teflon-like
coating on industrial scale stainless steel using pulsed dc and
RF PECVD" A. Satyaprasad, S. K. Nema, N. K. Sinha, Baldev Raj;
Applied Surface Science; 256 (2010) 4334-4338
"Deposition of superhydrophobic nanostructured
Teflon-like coating using expanding plasma arc" A. Satyaprasad,
V. Jain, S. K. Nema; Applied Surface Science; 253 (2007)