Award Details |
Mr. Z. H. Sholapurwala, Managing Director of Zeonics Systech D & A Engg. (P) Ltd., Bangalore. a large Defence & Atomic Engg. equipment supplier based in Bangalore has initiated two awards for Poster presentation for two outstanding works on engineering aspect of Fusion science & Technology done in India.
The Idea of the award is to kindle young generation to pick up work in Fusion Research which will be very useful in future. The TWO first & TWO second prizes for the award will carry Certificate of merit & a prize of Rs. 5,000/- & Rs. 2,500/- respectively.
Winners for the year 2014
No. | ABS No. | Title of the abstract | Name of the winner | Affiliation | Cash Prize |
1 | 292 | Thermo-mechanical Analysis of Heat Transfer Elements (HTEs) of Second Calorimeter for Neutral Beam Indian Test Facility (INTF) | Chirag Mistry | LD College, Ahmedabad | Rs. 5000 |
2 | 370 | A Tritium Transport Model For Lead Lithium Cooled Ceramic Breeder (LLCB) Test Blanket Module (TBM) System | Priyanka Bhrambhatt | IPR, Gandhinagar | Rs. 5000 |
3 | 388 | Data Acquisition and Control System for the set-up of New High Heat Flux Test Facility at IPR | Sunil Balsare | IIPR, Gandhinagar | Rs. 2500 |
4 | 75 | Development Of IECF Based Linear Neutron Source At CPP-IPR And Its Current Status | Neelanjan Buzarbaruah | CPP-IPR, Guwahati | Rs. 2500 |