IAEA Conference Proceedings

  1. Loss Cone modes in Inhomogenous Mirror Machines
    Procs. of the 4th Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, IAEA Vol. II (1971) 735.
    (with D.E.Baldwin, C.O. Beasley Jr., H.L.Berk, W.M. Farr, R.C.Harding, J.E.McCune, L.D. Pearlstein)

  2. Effect of Random Density Fluctuations on Parametric Interactions in a Plasma
    Procs. of the 5th Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Tokyo, IAEA (1974), Paper CN33/H3-I, Vol.II, p 193.
    (with P. Guzdar, P.K. Kaw, Y. Satya, A.K. Sundaram and R.K.Varma)

  3.  Resistive Ballooning Modes in a High Temperature Plasma
    Procs. of the 11th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Aachen (1983) Vol. II, C47
    (with A.K. Sundaram and P.K. Kaw)

  4.  Radio Frequency Stabilization of Ideal Ballooning Modes in a Tokamak Plasma
    Procs. of the 11th Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Tokamak, IAEA (1986), Paper E-II-I-I
    (with P.K. Kaw and A.K. Sundaram)

  5. Marfes, Radiative Condensation and Ballooning Instabilities in Tokamaks
    Procs. of 13th Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Washington D.C. IAEA (1990)
    (with A. Agarwal, K. Avinash, S.N. Bhattacharyya, S. Deshpande, P.K. Kaw, C.V.S. Rao and R. Singh)

  6. Control of Tokamak Edge Fluctuations
    Procs. of the TCM on Research Using Small Tokamaks (1990), Washington D.C., ( IAEA-TECDOC- 604, May1991)
    (with R. Singh, P.K. Kaw, S. Deshpande and A.K. Sen)

  7.  Feedback Stabilization of Tearing Modes Using Modulated Neutral Beams
    Procs. IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Research Using Small Tokamaks (1991) Hefei, China, page 299(with A.K. Sen, P.K. Kaw and R. Singh)

  8.  Ballooning Mode Stability of High- Tokamaks with Elongation and Triangularity
     Procs. IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Research Using Small Tokamaks (1992) Wurzburg, Germany
    (with A.K. Agarwal and S.N. Bhattacharyya)

  9.  Some Aspects of Tokamak Edge Turbulence
     Procs. of 14th Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Wurzburg, Germany (1992)
     (with G. Bevli, N. Chakravarty, A. Das, P.K. Kaw, R. Singh and A.K. Sundaram)

  10.  Physics of SOL/Edge Turbulence Phenomena in Tokamaks
     Procs. of 15th Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Seville, Spain (1994)
     (with N. Chakravarty, A. Das, S. Deshpande, P.K. Kaw, S. Mahajan, and R. Singh)

  11.  Studies on Intermittency and Edge Turbulence in ADITYA
     Procs. of 15th Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Seville, Spain (1994)
     (with R. Jha, R. Kalra, P.K. Kaw, S.K. Mattoo, C.V.S. Rao, D. Chenna Reddy, Y.C. Saxena , G.C. Sethia and    the  ADITYA Team)

  12.  Ponderomotive Modi cation of Drift Tearing Modes
     Procs. IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Research Using Small Tokamaks (1995) Ahmedabad, India
     (with G. Urquijo and R. Singh)

  13.  Nonlinear Saturation of the Rayleigh Taylor Instability
     Procs. IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Research Using Small Tokamaks (1995) Ahmedabad, India
    (with  A. Das, S. Mahajan and P.K. Kaw)

  14.  Shear Reversal, Improved Con nement and Ion Temperature Gradient Mode
     Procs. IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Research Using Small Tokamaks (1995) Ahmedabad, India
    (with  S. Sen)

  15. Control of Neoclassical Tearing Modes in Large Tokamaks
    Procs. 17th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Yokohama, Japan, 1998.
    (with P.Kaw and D. Chandra).

  16. Numerical Simulation Studies of the Rayleigh Taylor Turbulence
     Procs. IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Research Using Small Fusion Devices (1998),(F1-TC-536-14),   Shonan Village, Japan, p88.
    (with Sangeeta Mahajan, A. Das and P.K. Kaw).

  17.  Nonlinear Evolution of Neoclassical Tearing Modes in the Presence of Sheared Flows
    Procs. 18th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Sorrento,Italy, 2000,
    (with D. Chandra, P.K. Kaw and M.P. Bora)

  18.  Effect of Sheared Flows on Neoclassical Tearing Modes
    Procs. 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Villamoura, Portugal, 2004. 
    (with D. Chandra, P.K. Kaw, M.P. Bora, S. Kruger and J. Ramos)

  19.  Dynamical origin of shear ow induced modi cations of non-linear magnetic islands
    Procs. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu, China, 2006.
    (with P. Kaw, D. Chandra and M.P. Bora)

  20.  Plasma Turbulence Studies in ADITYA tokamak
     Procs. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu, China, 2006.
      (with R. Jha, P. Kaw and D. Raju)

  21.  Principal Physics Developments Evaluated in the ITER Design Review
     Procs. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 2008.
     (with R. Hawryluk et al)

  22.  Multimachine Extrapolation of Neoclassical Tearing Mode Physics to ITER
     Procs. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 2008.
     (with R. Buttery et al)

  23.  Simulations of ITER Disruption and VDE scenarios with TSC and comparison with DINA results
     Procs. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 2008.
     (with I. Bandopadhyay et al)

  24.  Nonlinear Dynamics of Magnetic Islands Imbedded in Small Scale Turbulence of Edge Tokamak Plasmas
     Procs. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 2008.
     (with M. Muraglia et al)

  25. Turbulent Transport and Flow E ects on NTM Evolution and Trigger Mechanisms
     Procs. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, Switzerland,2008.
      (with R. Singh, P. Kaw, D. Chandra   and D. Raju)

  26. Intrinsic toroidal and poloidal ow generation in the background of ITG turbulence
     Procs. 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Daejeon, S. Korea, 2010.
     (with Rameswar Singh, R. Ganesh, P.  Kaw, and R. Singh)

  27. Progress in understanding the multiscale analysis of Magnetic Island interacting with Turbulence in Tokamak
     Procs. 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Daejeon, S. Korea, 2010.
    (with S. Benkadda, O. Agullo, M.Muraglia, T. Voslion1, Z.O. Guimaraes-Filho1, P. Beyer, I.L. Caldas, X. Garbet, Yu.K. Kuznetsov, I.C. Nascimento, M. Yagi, and F. L. Waelbroeck)