Other Conference Proceedings

  1. Effect of Non-Axisymmetry on the Transport Coefficient of a Toroidally Con ned Plasma
    Procs. of the 6th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Moscow (1973) 37.
    (with R.K. Varma)

  2.  Feedback Stabilization of Trapped Particle Instabilities
    Procs. of the 7th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Lausanne (1975) Vol. I, p 28.
    (with A.K. Sundaram)

  3. Of Solitons and Waves Advanced Topics in Plasma Physics
    Procs. of the Theoretical Plasma Workshop at Saputara (1975), 103.

  4.  Anomalous Phase and Amplitude Scintillations of VHFWaves within the Equatorial Electrojet Region and other new Phenomena
    Procs. of the COSPAR Satellite Beacon Symposium, Boston University (1976) 518.
    (with R.G. Rastogi, M.R. Deshpande, K. Davies, R.N.Grubb and J.E. Jones)

  5.  Nonlinear Propagation of Spatially Con ned Lower Hybrid Waves
    Procs. of Third International Congress on Waves and Instabilities in Plasmas, Palaiseau, France (1977) paper 8A10.
    (with A. Bers, C.F.F. Karney and G.P. Leclert)

  6. Complex Modi ed K-dv Equation and Nonlinear Propagation of Lower Hybrid Waves
    Proc. of Third Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Plasma Heating, Pasadena (1978) paper G-7.
    (with C.F.F. Karney, G.I. Johnston and A. Bers).

  7.  The Complex Modi ed Korteweg-DeVries Equation, a Non-Integrable Evolution Equation
    Proc. of Symposium on Nonlinear (Soliton) Structure and Dynamics in Condensed Matter, Oxford, England (1978). Edited by A.R.Bishop and T. Schneider, Vol.8 of Springer Series in Solid State Sciences,Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp 71-75.
    (with C.F.F. Karney and F.Y.F. Chu)

  8. Lower Hybrid Wave Propagation in a Turbulent Plasma
    Procs. of Annual Controlled Fusion Theory Conference, Gatlinburg,
    Tenn. (1978) paper C-14.

  9.  The Complex Modi ed Korteweg-DeVries Equation Describing the Nonlinear Propagation of Lower Hybrid Ray
    Procs of Annual Controlled Fusion Theory Conference, Gatlinburg, Tenn. (1978) paper E-7.
    (with C.F.F. Karney and F.Y.F. Chu)

  10.  Turbulent Modi cation of the Kinetic Tearing Modes
    Procs. of the International Conf. on Plasma Physics, Nagoya (1980) a-II-06 p 12.
    (with A.K. Sundaram)

  11.  Effect of Lower Hybrid Waves on Tearing Mode Instability
    Procs. of 9th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics (1979) EP 29, 168.
    (with A.K. Sundaram)

  12.  Nonlinear E ects in Wave Propagation
    IAEA-SMR-61/104 in Modern Plasma Physics, IAEA Vienna (1981), 249.

  13. Interaction of a Rotating Intense Electron Beam with a Mirror Con ned Plasma
    Procs. of 10th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Moscow (1981).
    (with K.K. Jain, P.I. John and A.K. Sundaram)

  14.  Kinetic Stability of Bennett Pinch
    Procs. of 10th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Moscow (1981)
    (with U. Krishnamurty, A.S. Sharma and A.K. Sundaram)

  15.  Decay Instability of Kinetic Alfven Waves in an Inhomogenous Plasma
    Proc. Annual Sherwood Controlled Fusion Theory Conference, Santa Fe (1982) 2D13.
    (with D.W.Ross and A.K. Sundaram)

  16. Kinetic Stability of Bennett Pinch
    Procs. of the International Conference on Plasma Physics, Gotenburg, 11 P-11-15 p.263 (1982)
    (with U.Krishnamurty, A.S. Sharma and A.K. Sundaram)

  17. Nonlinear Processes in Alfven Wave Heating of Tokamaks
    Procs. of International Conference on Plasma Physics, Lausanne (1984)
    (with C.Natarajan and A.K. Sundaram)

  18. Effect of Current Drive in Rotamaks
    Procs. Annual Sherwood Controlled Fusion Theory Conference, Madison (1985).
    (with P.K. Kaw)

  19. Nonlinear Traveling Wave Solutions for a Helical Wiggler Free Electron Laser in the Compton Regime
    Procs. of 1989 International Conf. on Plasma Physics, Vol.II, p.457.
    (with C.B.Dwivedi, B. Dey, G.L. Johnston and R.C. Davidson)

  20.  Fusion Power : Scenario for its Realisation
    Invited paper at Indian Nuclear Society Conference, 1990
    (with P.K. Kaw and S. Chaturvedi)

  21.  Effect of Sheared Toroidal Plasma Flows on Equilibrium and Stability of Tokamaks
    Procs. of 1990 European Fusion Conference, Amsterdam.
    (with A.K. Agarwal, S.N. Bhattacharyya and P.K. Kaw)

  22. Intermittency in Two Dimensional Rayleigh Taylor Turbulence
    Transport, Chaos and Plasma Physics, Eds: S. Benkadda, F.Doveil
    and Y. Elskens, Marseille, World Scienti c, 1993.
    (with N. Chakravarti, A. Das, S. Mahajan and P.K. Kaw)

  23.  Short Pulse Laser Solitons
    AIP Conference Proceedings 345, ICPP 1994, Foz Do Iguacu, Brazil, p303.

  24. Ballooning vortices in plasmas with sheared field and flow
    Procs. of Workshop on Transport, Chaos and Plasma Physics,II, Marseille, France, 1995.
    (with N. Chakravarti, P.K. Kaw and A.K. Sundaram)

  25. Collective Modes in Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasmas
    Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems (Eds: Kalman et al), Plenum Press, New Yprk 1998, pp. 211-214.
    (with P.K. Kaw).

  26.  Conditions for Di usive Thermal Transport in a Model Nonlinear System
    Procs. of 1998 ICPP and 25th EPS Conference, Praha, 1998, pp 2192-2195.
    (with D.V. Ramana Reddy, P. Kaw, A. Das and J.C. Parikh).

  27.  Nonlinear Propagation of Low Frequency Waves in Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasmas
    Procs. of 1998 ICPP and 25th EPS Conference, Praha, 1998, pp 2525-
    2528. (with A. Rath and P.K. Kaw).

  28.  Two Dimensional Propagation of Intense Laser Pulses in Plasmas
    Procs. of 1998 ICPP and 25th EPS Conference, Praha, 1998, pp 930-933.
    (with P.K. Kaw, A.Das, S. Sengupta, A. Satsangi and R. Miklaszewski).

  29.  Laser pulse envelope soliton in a warm plasma
    Procs. of 2000 ICPP, Quebec City, Canada, vol.II, p 572 (2000).
    (with S. Poornakala, A. Das, P.K. Kaw, Z.M. Zheng, Y. Sentoku, K. Mima and K. Nishikawa).

  30.  Nonlinear One Dimensional Laser Envelope Solitons in Overdense Plasma Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications 2001, 934, Elsevier, Procs. of Second International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences
     and Applications 2001, September 9-14, 2001, Koyoto, Japan.
    (with P.K. Kaw, S. Poornakala and A. Das)

  31.  Laser envelope solitons in plasmas
    Procs. of 2002 International Congress on Plasma Physics, Sydney, Australia.
    (with S. Poornakala, A. Das, A. Sen, P.K. Kaw, Z.M. Sheng, Y. Sen-toku, K. Mima and K. Nishikawa).

  32.  Experimental Study of Dust Acoustic Waves in the Strongly Correlated Regime
    AIP Conf.Proc. 799 (2005) 137, (with P Bandyopadhyay and G Prasad)