Invited Talks

  1.  Lecture Series on "Solitons"
     at the
    Saputara Summer School on Plasma Physics, June 1975.

  2. Lecture Series on "Nonlinear Plasma Physics"
    at the
    Autumn School on Plasma Physics at ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 1979.

  3. Review talk on "Theoretical Developments in Fusion Plasma Physics"
    at the
    Symposium on Plasma Physics, BARC, Trombay, 1980

  4. Lecture Series on "Magnetic Reconnection and Tearing Modes"
    at the
    Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta, 1981.

  5. Review talk on "Status of Tokamak Physics"
    at the
    Symposium of Plasma Physics, Bangalore, 1983.

  6. Invited Oral talk on "RF Stabilisation of Ideal Ballooning Modes
    in a Tokamak Plasma"
    at the 1
    1th IAEA Conf. on Plasma Physics and
    Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Kyoto
    , 1986.

  7. Lecture Series on "Stochasticity in Plasmas"
    at the
    "School on Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Bangalore", 1987.

  8. Invited talk on "Application of Solitons in Plasmas"
    at the
    Winter School on Solitons, Tiruchirapalli, 1987.

  9. Review talk on "Magnetic Con nement Theory: Recent Advances"
    at the
    "Annual National Plasma Physics Conference, Ahmedabad", 1987.

  10. Invited talk on "Status of Fusion Research in India"
    at the
    South-South and South-North International Symposium,
    ICTP, Trieste, Italy
    , 1989.

  11. Invited talk on "Access to the Second Stability Regime"
    at the
    Workshop on Small Tokamaks and Similar Laboratory Devices,

  12. Invited talk on "Fusion Power: Scenario for its Realisation",
    at the
    Indian Nuclear Society Conference, Bombay, 1990.

  13. Lecture Series on "Nonlinear theory of Free Electron Lasers",
    at the
    Summer School on Coherent Radiation Sources, Indore, 1990.

  14. Invited talk on "Effect of Sheared Equilibrium Flows on
    the Stability of Ballooning Modes"
    at the
    First South North International Workshop on Fusion Theory, Algiers, 1990.

  15. Lecture Series on the "Direct Interaction Approximation in
    Strong Plasma Turbulence"
    at the
    First SERC School on Plasma Physics, Jaipur, 1991.

  16. Review talk on "Anomalous transport in Tokamaks"
    at the
    Annual National Plasma Physics Conference, Indore, 1991.

  17. Invited talk "Nonlinear 1D Laser Pulse Solitons for Particle Acceleration",
    at the
    Symposium on Wave Particle Interaction and
    Energization in Plasmas, ICTP, Trieste, Italy
    , 1993.

  18. Lecture Series on "Nonlinear Phenomena and Parametric Instabilities",
    at the
    Fourth SERC School on Plasma Physics, Calcutta, 1994.

  19. Invited Talk on "Short Pulse Laser Solitons",
    at the
    International Conference on Plasma Physics, Foz du Iguacu, Brazil, 1994.

  20. Invited Talk on "An Electromagnetic Model of Braids and Kinks
    in Saturn's Rings"
    at the
    Symposium on Coherent Structures in Nonlinear Media,
    ICTP, Trieste,

  21. Invited Talk on "Tokamak Equilibria and Stability with Arbitrary Flows"
    at the
    International Conference on Plasma Physics, Nagoya, Japan, 1996.

  22. Invited Summary Talk on "Role of Dusty Plasmas in Industrial Plasmas",
    at the 2nd International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Hakone, Japan, 1999.

  23. Invited Talk on "One and Two Dimensional Intense Solitary Pulses in Plasmas"
    at the International Workshop on Solitons in Ultraintense Laser Plasma Interactions,Tsukuba, Japan, 1999.

  24. Invited Talk on "Strong Coupling E ects on Waves in Dusty Plasmas",
    at the Mini-conference on Dusty Plasmas at the DPP99 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Seattle,U.S.A. 1999.

  25. Invited Talk on "Collective Phenomena in a Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasma",
    at the Asia Paci c Radio Science Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 2001.

  26. Invited Review Talk on "Neoclassical Tearing Modes",
    at the 16th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Guwahati, India, 2001.

  27. Invited Talk on "Time Delay E ects on the Collective Dynamics
    of Coupled Limit Cycle Oscillators"
    at the International Workshop on Chaotic Transport and
    Complexity in Classical and Quantum Dynamics, Carry Le Rouet, France, 2002

  28. Invited Review Talk on "Laser Envelope Solitons in Plasmas",
    at the International Conference on Plasma Physics, Sydney, Australia, 2002.

  29. Invited talk on "Dromion solutions - a possible paradigm for two dimensional coherent structures in space plasmas",
    at the Fifth International Workshop on Nonlinear Waves
    and Chaos in Space Plasmas -NWW2003, Mumbai
    , 2003.

  30. Invited Review talk on "Plasma Based Accelerators: an Overview"
    at the SERC School on Plasma Physics at SINP, Kolkata, 2003.

  31. Invited talk "Localized multi-dimensional coherent structures
    in Space and Laboratory plasmas",

    at the International Topical Conference on Plasma Physics:
    Complex Plasmas in The New Millennium, Santorini, Greece,

  32. Invited talk on "Collective dynamics of delay-coupled limit cycle oscillators",
    at Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics (a satellite meeting of Statphys 22), Chennai, India, 2004.

  33. Invited Oral Presentation on "Effect of Sheared Flows on Neoclassical Tearing Modes"
    at the 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Villamoura, Portugal, 2004.

  34. Invited Oral Presentation on "Nonlinear saturation of magnetic curvature driven
    Rayleigh-Taylor instability in three dimensions"

    at the International Congress on Plasma Physics, Nice, France, 2004.

  35. Invited lecture on "Collective Dynamics of coupled oscillator Systems",
    at the SERC School on Nonlinear Dynamics, PRL, Ahmedabad, India, 2004.

  36. Keynote Address on "Challenges and Opportunities in Plasma Physics",
    at the Plasma Science Society of India Annual Conference, Jhansi, India, 2004.

  37. Invited lecture on "Relativistically Intense Waves
    in Plasmas: nonlinear dynamics and applications"
    at the Autumn College on Plasma Physics, ICTP, Trieste, Sep. 5th -30th, 2005.

  38. Invited lecture on "Collective Dynamics of Oscillator Arrays with
    Nonlocal Time Delayed Couplings"
    at the International Conference on Control and Synchronization of
    Dynamical Systems, Leon, Mexico, Oct. 4-7, 2005.

  39. Invited lecture on "Coherence resonance in an autapse neuron model with time delay",
    at the Workshop on Constructive Role of Noise in Complex Systems,
    Dresden, Germany, June 26-July 14, 2006

  40. Invited lecture on "Dynamics of non-locally delay coupled Stuart-Landau oscillators",
    at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems,
    Snowbird, May 28-June1, 2007.

  41. Invited lecture on "Physics of Neoclassical Tearing Modes",
    at the First ITER International School, Aix-en-Provence, France July 16-20, 2007.

  42. Invited Talk on "Dynamical characteristics of a strongly coupled dusty plasma"
    at the 5th International Conference on Physics of Dusty Plasmas (ICPDP5), Azores,
    May 19-23, 2008.

  43. Invited Talk on "Shear Flow E ects on the Excitation and
    Evolution of Neoclassical Tearing Modes"

    at the International Workshop on the Frontiers of Modern Plasma Physics,
    ICTP, Trieste, Italy, July 14-25, 2008.

  44. Invited Oral Talk on "Turbulent Transport and Flow E ects
    on NTM Evolution and Trigger Mechanisms"

    at the 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 2008.

  45. Invited Colloquium on "Waves and Crystals in a dusty plasma bowl"
    at the Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, Mumbai, Nov. 19, 2008.

  46. Invited Lecture on "Dynamical Modeling and Applications of
    Mutually Delay Coupled Systems"

    at the National Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics, Kolkata, March 5-7, 2009.

  47. Invited lecture on "Influence of sheared ows on neoclassical tearing modes"
    at the Festival de Theorie, Aix-en-Provence, France, July 6-24, 2009.

  48. Invited Lecture on "World of Coupled Oscillators"
    at the WinterSchool: Hands-on Research on Complex Systems,
    Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 26-Aug.7, 2009.

  49. Tutorial Lecture on "Physics of NTMs and their importance for tokamak con nement"
    at the Summer College on Plasma Physics ICTP, Trieste, Aug.10-28, 2009.

  50. Invited talk on "Plasma Rotation e ects on NTMs: theory & experiment"
    at the 7th General Assembly of APFA, Aomori, Japan, Oct.27-30, 2009.

  51. Invited Lecture Series on "Time Delayed Systems"
    at the SERC School on Nonlinear Dynamics, Delhi,Dec. 14-18, 2009.

  52. Invited Talk on "Introduction to NTMs and Role of Rotation"
    at the 4th ITER International Summer School,
    Austin, TX, USA, 31 May 4 June, 2010.

  53. Invited Talk on "World of Coupled Oscillators"
    at the Hands-on Research in Complex Systems Advanced Study Institute, Buea, Cameroon, Aug. 2-Aug.13, 2010.

  54. Invited Colloquium on "Collective Dynamics of Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasmas"
    at the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, Sept. 29, 2010.