Frequently Asked Questions
Hosting IPR Plasma Exhibition
Here are some of the frequently asked questions regarding plasma exhibitions conducted by IPR Outreach Division
Q. Who can be a host to conduct the plasma exhibition ?
A. Any educational institution (school, junnior college, UG/PG college, University) can offer to be a host.
Q. Who are the targetted audience for the plasma exhibition ?
A. This exhibition is essentially meant for all types of audiences ranging from school students, UG/PG students and general public. NO prior knowledge of plasma is required to appreciate the exhibition.
Q. What is the process to host the plasma exhibition ?
A. The following steps have to be followed ;
(1) Interested institution should carefully read the instructions on this page so that there is no confusion later on regarding the responsibilities of the host regarding hosting the event.
(2) Once the host responsibilities are clearly understood, host can get in touch with IPR Outreach and finalize the dates that are convenient to both IPR and the host institution.
(3) Once the dates are agreed upon, host has to fill in this document and send it to <outreach@ipr.res.in>
(4) Once IPR received the above document, host will receive a final confirmation. Any changes in the dates of the event should be done in consultation and agreement between both parties.
Q. What is the cost to the host institution to host the plasma exhibition ?
A. The host does not need to bear any of the following costs
(1) Cost of transportation of the exhibits from IPR to host location and back
(2) Cost of travel of IPR team
Host is however expected to arrange the following for the IPR team.
(1) Local transportation from place of accommodation to venue and back on all days.
(2) Airport/Railway station pick up/drop off
(3) Transportation by road to the next location of the event (if applicable)
Q. What is the size of the hall required for the plasma exhibition ?
A. Ideally, to exhibit all the 30 odd exhibits without crowding, an area of ~225sqm will be required. Number of exhibits will be reduced for smaller areas. This area should have some kind of cooling (preferably A/C) so that the high voltage exhibits are kept cool. It will be convenient to load/unload the exhibits from the truck if this hall in on the ground floor.
Q. What are the other requirements for the exhibition ?
A. The other requirements are
(1) 35 tables (typically 1m x 0.5m) and 30 chairs.
(2) 20 numbers of 230V/5A power points with grounding.
(3) Hall should be dark (or at least part of the hall) so that the plasma can be viewed clearly.
Q. Can students of the host institution be part of the exhibition ?
A. Yes. About 50-60 students of science can be trained as technical volunteers of the exhibtion and they will explain the exhibits to the visitors in the local language. They will all be provided with a certificate after the event.
Q. What other events can be conducted as part of the plasma exhibition ?
A. IPR can organize the following events in parallel to the plasma exhibition
(1) Quiz competition (for school/college students)
(2) Tokamak toy assembly competition
(3) Tokamak game competition
(4) Training program for science teachers (min 25 teachers required)
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