Vikram Sarabhai Centenary National Science Day - 2020

In the centenary year of the former Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, IPR celebrated the Vikram Sarabhai Centenary National Science Day during 1-2 February 2020 at the IPR main campus with immense amount of enthusiasm. The event was inaugurated by Director, IPR Dr. Shashank Chaturvedi. The centenary event had several posters and videos on Dr. Vikram Sarabhai on display. Over 900 students and teachers from both urban and rural schools across Gujarat participated in this event. The NSD also had competitive live events like Quiz, Eloquence, Skit as well as science exhibits by schools and by IPR staff, in collaboration with the BSc Physics students of St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad.  Offline competitions like poster and essay writing were conducted for the school students in the month of December. There was also a competition organized for school teachers for innovative teaching aids.  This years NSD event had over 3000 visitors to IPR during the two days to see the exhibition and the open house. The concluding session was held on 2nd February where the prizes for the various competitions were distributed by Dean R&D, Dr. P.K. Atrey.

Click on the image to zoom into the images from VSC-NSD-2020
that were used to make the mosaic
(Original image courtesy, SAC-ISRO, Ahmedabad)

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