IPR Webinar Programme on Plasma & Its Applications

Outreach Division of IPR conducts online webinar programmes for schools / colleges and also for teachers of +2 and BSc science streams.

IPR Outreach webinar setup

TWO types of webinar programme targetted at different audiences are being offered ie.,

(A) 1-Day, 2-hour, Short webinar programme.
(B) 2-Day, 4-hour, Long webinar programme#.

The programmes will have (1) Popular talks (2) Demonstrations of experiments and models based on plasma, its applications and nuclear fusion.

Resource materials for these programs can be downloaded from the relevant section of the Outreach website.

Participants from an institition need to register through a coordinator from their organization.

Please read the instructions carefully before attending!

Target Audience
Secondary & Higher Secondary School
(X, XI, XII)
11:00 to 13:00


14:00 to 16:00

1)    Introduction to Activity    
2)    Talk -What is Plasma?        
3)    Experiments & models    
4)    Q&A Session            
Total time - 120 min

Graduate / Post Graduate
+2, BSc science teachers
11:00 to 13:00


14:00 to 16:00

1)    Introduction to Activity   
2)    Talk - What is Plasma?   
3)    Talk - What is Fusion? 
4)    Experiments & models   
5)    Q&A Session                   
Total time - 120 min

11:00 to 13:00


14:00 to 16:00

1)    Talk-Applications of plasma
2)    Talk -IPR & Career options
3)    Experiments & models
4)    Q&A Session
Total time - 120 min

#If the participating institute wishes, Webinar-B can be conducted in ONE day, with two sessions of 2 hours each, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

General Information & Instructions
(Please read carefully)

Unregistered participants will not be allowed to join the webinar. Individual participants please register using the link provided above.

  • Webinar will be conducted via IPR's Video meeting facility (bharatvc.nic.in) ONLY on working days (Mon-Fri, excluding national holidays). The link and password will be sent to you by IPR. If the participating institute has its own video conferencing facility, they can create the link and send it to us for use. Please ensure that IPR has the host rights.

  • The responsibility of allowing participants to join will rest with the participating institution.
  • Participants are expected to follow standard webinar protocols and etiquette.

  • Questions and Answer session will be ONLY at the end of the session, so please note down your questions and ask them during the Q&A session. Questions can also be posted on the Video Meet Chat facility.

  • Participation certificates will be provided ONLY for the 2-Day Webinar programme (Programme B).

  • Individual e-participation certificates (via e-mail) will be issued ONLY to the list of participants provided by the participating institute (for Programme B only).  

  • Resource materials are available on the IPR Outreach website and can be freely downloaded.

  • While IPR will try and ensure that the programme is conducted as per the fixed schedule, however, IPR reserves the right to cancel/reschedule the programme if the need so arises. In such an eventuality, the participating institute will be informed as early as possible.

  • In case the participating institute is cancelling / postponing the event, please inform IPR Outreach at least 24 hours in advance.

  • Kindly confirm availability of your dates and obtain confirmation from IPR well in advance.

  • IPR does not charge any fee for conducting these webinars.

  • All contents presented in the webinars are property of IPR. Recording and/or uploading of IPR webinar programmes on social media/YouTube etc is not allowed without prior permission from IPR.
Registration Procedure (for Institutions)

  • Coordinator from the school/college should contact IPR outreach (by email or phone) and check if date is available for the programme of your choice (A or B) and your preferred time slot.

  • Once your preferred date is confirmed, coordinator has to fill up the details of the participants in the Microsoft Excel sheet provided below and send it to <outreach@ipr.res.in>.  

  • Please DO NOT pass on the webinar login details to persons outside the list. They will not be allowed into the meeting.

  • It is better to keep the number of participants between 50-70 in one session.

  • Details of webinar meeting will be sent to you a day before the meeting.

  • Responsibility of maintaining webinar etiquette and managing the Q&A session (from participants side) will rest with the coordinator of the participating institute.

  • ALL participants should be logged into the meeting at least 10 minutes before the start of the programme.

  • Keep your microphone and camera muted at ALL times except when you want to ask a question during the Q&A session.

  • Audio and Video quality are constantly monitored by us during the webinar. If you face any issues, please inform us through webinar messenger.

  • On completion of the programme, ALL participants are required to fill an on-line feedback form based on their experience of participating in the programme.

  • IPR Outreach will dispatch e-certificates to all the approved participants (only for programme B) through email ONLY after it receives the online feedback from the participants.  The link for the online feedback will be provided to the participating institution.

Please fill in the details of the participants and email the excel sheet to
Your dates will be confirmed only after receipt of this document.

Contact for webinar programmes

Mr. Gattu Ramesh Babu/Mr. Narendra Chauhan
Outreach Division,
Institute for Plasma Research
Bhat, Gandhinagar 382 428 (Gujarat)
Tel : 079-2396 2086
Mob : 78018 34469
E-mail : outreach@ipr.res.in

This is how we conduct the webinars !


© IPR, 2017-22