Globally it is felt that fusion plasma technology and tokamak science is undoubtedly the most important and emerging areas of plasma science and technology. The Indian magnetized fusion program started with work carried out at the Saha Institute Of Nuclear Physics (SINP), Kolkata and the Aditya tokamak at the Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar. Steady-state Superconducting Tokamak - 1 (SST-1) is also getting commissioned at Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar
India is currently a full partner in the ITER project and has an ambitious domestic fusion program leading to DEMO reactor. The school aims at bringing young researchers in the field of plasma sciences and fusion reactor technologies and making them interact with experts in the above field.
The three week school will consist of lectures, tutorials, hands on experiments and special popular lectures. Study materials related to the school will be provided to the participants. |
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