Science Quiz
1) For the Quiz competition topics Indian Contribution to Science and Technology and Betterment of life.
2) Only one team (two participants) per school is allowed to take part in Quiz competition. It is mandatory that atleast one participant must be from standard 8-10.
3) In case of large number of entries, the final round of the quiz will be conducted among teams qualifying after the elimination rounds. The elimination round can be a written test also.
4) Questions will be displayed in English/Hindi/Gujarati and answer may be given in any of these three languages.
5) Decision of the quizmaster will be final and binding.
6) Schools are requested to register their teams on or before 31st December 2019 by email to or by post to the given address.
7) Travelling Allowance and accommodation shall be provided as per norms mentioned below.
8) There will be three prizes and participation certificates for all participants of the qualifying teams