International Yoga Day on 21st June. 
In this regard, we are planning to have the following events:
9.15 to 9.45 Yoga demonstration. Venue : Guest House lawn
9.45 to 10.00 Refreshments. Venue : Guest House lawn
10.15 to 11.00 Talk on  Yoga. Venue : IPR Seminar hall
Kindly register your participation by 17th June 4.00 pm.  Registers will be kept at Admin. Security table. Please note that registration is important for making necessary arrangements. 
Please make and submit A-4 size posters showing mobile photo of Yoga Poses  / Asanas of yours along-with small description of its benefits (not more than 100 words).  Top 10 posters will be displayed near the seminar hall and top 3 posters will be awarded suitably. One entry per participant would be entertained. Last date for receiving the entries : 20th June by 12:00 noon.


Please note that a talk is scheduled as per the following details (as a part of Mother’s Day Celebrations).

Title : A to Z of Diet – human nutrition and regulation of diet
Speaker :  Miss Sushmita Chanda – Expert in Dietetics
Date :   9th May 2016 Time :  03.30 pm   (TODAY)

Venue :  Seminar Hall, IPR
All are welcome to attend.
IPR Staff Club Executive Committee