![]() | Talk #3
Colloquium # 306
Harnessing Plasmas for Societal Applications
By Dr. Mukesh Ranjan
Plasma Surface Engineering Division (PSED),
Institute for Plasma Research (IPR)
Friday, Oct 1 2021 at 3:30 PM

Plasma, is an ionized form of the gas, wherein electrons, ions and neutral gas molecules co-exists. Energy of charge particles, their flux and chemistry of ionized molecules can be easily controlled simply by varying electric field or a combination of electric and magnetic fields. By selecting the gas mixture, amount of energy, pressure variation and other factors, the effects of a plasma can be adjusted as desired.Due to this ease, Plasma has been utilized for various societal applications in different sectors. Different types of popular coatings on tools, medical implants, ornaments, solar cells, auto mobile are done using plasma based methods. Electronic ICs/chips are fabricated using plasma etching process. Energetic plasma torches are used for material cutting and welding. The plastic and the medical waste disposal is done using plasma pyrolysis process. Small hand-handle atmospheric pencil plasma torch is showing lots of potential for medical applications such wounds healing, sterilization, skin &tooth treatment and making activated surfaces. Plasma activated water usually used as a source of the antimicrobial or disinfectant solution. Plasma processes have been explored to treat textile surfaces to make them hydrophilic for absorbing dyes and thus making them easy for weaving. Plasma processes are used in agriculture for faster seed germination and also forincreasing self-life of food products. Plasma-Nitriding process is used for increasing hardness of automobile components and tools. Plasma technologies are used for nanomaterial processing such as making nanoparticle powder for self-cleaning, andnanopatterning for sensing applications. Plasma based ion sources are used in satellites for giving thrust, for controlling its orientation and movements. Institute for Plasma Research (IPR) is working and demonstrated many of above mentioned plasma based applications for health sector, agriculture, textile, automobile, and space research. In my presentation, I shall be briefing and discussing about many such applications.
About the speaker
Dr.Mukesh Ranjan, did his M.Sc. from IIT Roorkee, M.Tech from IIT Kanpur and PhD from HZDR/TU Dresden, Germany. He joined IPR in the year 2002 at FCIPT/IPR and currently working as a Scientific Officer-G. In his early career,
he performed many Plasma diagnostics related industrial projects for Plasma Sterilizer (J&J), Plasma Diagnostics of Thrusters Plume for LPSC/ISRO, Diagnostics and PVD coatings for cylindrical magnetrons for SAC/ISRO and Space Plasma Interactions Experiments (SPIX) with solar panels of Satellitesfor ISAC/ISRO. Later he worked on Ion-solid interactions using ion beams and developed applications of producing highly ordered arrays of nanoparticles for sensing applications and tailoring surface wettability. For this contribution he was awarded DAE-SSPS Young Achiever Award, and Young Scientist/Innovator Awards and several best oral and best posters awards in national and international conferences. Recently he helped ISRO to developed Anode liner material for Hall-Effect Plasma Thruster, which will actually be used in satellite. He has successfully completed 40 industrial projects and bi-lateral projects for various agencies like ISRO, DST, DAE, IITs, CSIR, J&J etc. He has 76 peer reviewed journal papers, 5 Book Chapters and 1 patent to his credit. He is also faculty of HBNI, Mumbai and guided many PhD and Postdoc students. He is a member of Indian Physics Association (IPA), Ion Beam for Material Science (IBMS), Plasma Science Society of India (PSSI).