The Institute for Plasma Research (IPR) has been working on several societal and industrial applications of plasma technology and associated knowhow related to power supplies, data acquisition, software development, Artificial Intelligence/deep learning, simulation & code development activities, materials science, superconducting magnets & cryogenics, dissimilar metal joining etc. Such activities have been done through various collaborating organizations such as public and private industries, Govt. organizations, PSUs, academic organizations etc. for addressing various societal and industrial problems using available expertise/technologies at IPR.
IPR interacts with industry in the following manner for sponsored project activities:

IPR collaborates with industry / organizations for externally sponsored projects based on the expertise and/or infrastructure available with it so as to support the growth of home grown technologies. Any industry interested to collaborate with IPR under above mentioned interaction modes are requested to write to with details of their requirement.
Apart from the above, EXPRESSION-OF-INTEREST (EoI) are invited from industries for the following technologies available for transfer to Industries on non-exclusive basis:
1) "RAUDRA" Plasma pyrolysis for safe disposal of bio-medical waste Click here for more details
2) "RAUDRA" Plasma pyrolysis for safe disposal of organic (non-biomedical) waste
3) Plasma Nitriding Technology
4) Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet Technology Click here for more details
5) Metal oxide nano powder production technology
6) Technology for Plasma activated water treatment system
7) AGASTYA-400 Cryo pump technology Click here for more details
8) High Voltage Power Supplies Based on Pulse Step Modulation Topology Click here for more details
11)Wideband hybrid high power MW level CW radiofrequency (RF) combiner/splitter Click here for more details
12)MW level CW single or double pole double throw (SPDT or DPDT) coaxial radiofrequency (RF) switch Click here for more details
Interested parties may fill up the following application form and submit the list of documents listed below:
1. Cover letter addressed to Director, IPR responding to the EoI specified here.
3. Payment of Rs. 590/- (Rs. 500 + 18%GST) as Demand Draft or by electronic remittance to IPR’s bank details (please click to here) (a copy of the
payment confirmation along with transaction ID and date may be submitted if done electronically)
4. Documents related to your company’s registration (Copy of PAN CARD, GST certificate, Registration documents / certificate of incorporation, SSI/MSME recognition, and other Government issued certifications) as applicable.
5. Audited financial reports of last 3 years, IT Returns of last 3 years. Startups may provide their financial reports as available with them.
6. Details of top management (Brief CV of Chairman/Managing Director/Board of Directors)
7. One page Business plan on how your company will commercialize the technology if licensed to you.
8. List of project, installations or collaborations indicating the name of company, client, year, title of project etc. in the below given format
Sr. No.
| Title of project
| Client name
| Place
| Year
9. Leaflets & brochures of your company
The soft copies of the above documents may be sent by email (preferably combined as one PDF file) to with a copy to
The hard copy of documents in a sealed envelope superscribing EXPRESSION OF INTEREST for Non-Exclusive technology license of “…name of technology…” may be sent to:
Institute for Plasma Research
Near Indira Bridge, Bhat,
Gandhinagar – 382428 (Gujarat)
For any further queries, please feel free to contact Dr. Nirav Jamnapara, Head – PTTS at 079-23964039/38, email:
For other technologies available on transfer, please visit