1. The powers and functions of the council shall be as follows:


a) To initiate and supervise activites of the society for perfoming its functions specified in the Memorandum.

b) To interpret the Memurandum and rules and regulations of the society and if necessary to frame byelaws in order to administer and regulate the business of the society and persuance of its objects. The byelaws amended or added shall have the same force as the Rules and Regulations of the society.

c) To collect funds for the society by way of subscriptions , donations ,grants , gifts,etc.

d) To administer the funds of the society and to make rules for the same.

e) To make the budget and incur exoenditure for conducting the business of the society.

f)To acquire, sell, mortage, change or otherwise dispose or deal with all or any assets of the society fo rpromoting the aims and ojectives of the society .This sould be approved by at least three-fourth majority of the council, the minimum votes required beingfive when the council does not have full attendance.

g) To admit members according to Article 1 of the Rules and Regulations .

h) To prepare the annual statement of accounts and annual report on the activities of the society.

i) To appoint or remove the buggeted staff as and when necessary.

j) To appoint subcommittes ,panels,etcfrom amongst the members of the society for specific purposes.

k) To hold council meetings as and when necessary for carrying out the business of the society.

l) To arrange the annual ,scientific and othermeetings as prescribed in Rules and Regulaions .

m)To appoint chartered accountant(s) as Auditor(s) for auditing the accounts of the society.

n) To form a Standing Finance Committe of the Council for scrutinising the accounts of the society.

o) To appoint an Editor and if necessary, an Editorial Board for each of the publication of the society.


2. The responsibilities of the officers of the council shall be as follows :


a) President shall priside over the meetings of the society and act as chairman of the Executive Council .Whenever it is necessary he may delegate his powers to the Vice-President. In the absence of both President and Vice- President the members presnt may elect one of the council members , who is present as Chairman for that particular meeting.

b) The Vice-president shall assist the president in all matters and in the absence of the President he/she shall perform the duties of the President.

c) The Secretary shall (1) Be in charge of all corresponfance and records of the society. (2) Convene and, as far as possible, attend all meetings of the society and the council and keep their minutes, (3) Execute the programme of action decided upon by the council and (5) Exercise general supervision over the staff and affairs of the society. He shall be an ex-officio member of all sub-committeof the society.

d) The Terasurer shall (a) Receive all the sums of money due to the society and issue receipts therof , (2) keep all accounts of thhe society and prepare annual statement of accounts for submitting to the council and to the Auditors, (3) In consultation with secratary prepare the annual budget of the society for presntation to the council, (4) Prepare th eliat of Defaulting members and (5) Disburse sums due from the society according to the rules given in Rules and Regulations.


3. The President, the Secratary and Treasurer shall act as an adhoc committe of the Council for disposing off minor matters which, in their judgement, do not call for submission to the entire council. The acts of the adhoc committe shall be reported during the next meeting of the Executive Council.

 4.The Council may assign any specific resposibility (such as printing/or sale of its publications ) to any of its members.


© PSSI 2008

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