Scientific Outreach Activities - January 2017

Organized by / At
3-7 Jan, 2017
104th Indian Science Congress
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati
7-8 Jan, 2017

Indian Science Congress

104th Indian Science Congress Exhibition at Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, from 3 - 7 January, 2017.
IPR participated in the exhibition "Pride of India", under the DAE stall.

Images from 104th ISC Exhibition

National Science Day 2017

The National Science Day was celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm at IPR campus on 7-8 January, 2017. More than 600 participants from over 80 schools from Gujarat state participated in the various events that were organized as part of NSD activities.  More than 80 science projects (both working and non-working) were displayed by the participating schools. IPR staff, in collaboration with graduate students from St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad, displayed over 20 working science projects. Essay, eloquence, poster and quiz competitions as well as open house were part of the event. This year, skit competition was also introduced.  Over 18 teams participated in the skit competition which had a theme of “How science and technology combined with well-established traditional knowledge and practices can eradicate misconceptions, superstitions, ignorance and exploitation in every field of life”. The event was inaugurated by Shri. P K Atrey on 7th January and he also gave away the prizes to the winners of the various competitions during the concluding session on 8th January. Prizes were also given to working and non-working categories of science exhibits displayed by schools that participated in the event. During the two days, around 2500-3000 visitors took this opportunity to visit IPR and the NSD exhibition.  

Images from NSD-2017
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© IPR, 2017-22