Visit to IPR main campus can typically have the following (not necessary all);
1. Introductory talk on "Plasma and fusion science & technology as well as its societal applications". (45 mins)
2. Interactive exhibitions related to plasma, its applications and nuclear fusion. (45 mins);
3. Visits to Aditya and/or SST-1 Tokamak (Subject to operational schedule of the machines) : 60 mins
3. Visit to FCIPT (optional, and will require additional 3 hours), GIDC, Gandhinagar.
4. Visit to Technology Park :20 mins
Depending on the interest of the visiting team, visits to sepecialized laboratories (132kV Substation, Robotics lab, Workshop, Water Cooling & AC section etc.,) in IPR can also be arranged, if requested well in advance.
The visiting institution will also be provided with a set of 10 posters on plasma and a book entitled "Living with Plasmas" (in Gujarati or Hindi or English), on request.
IPR has the following campuses in Gandhinagar. You can choose which campuses your group would like to visit.
| Location
| Things to see
| Time required
| IPR Main Campus
Near Mother Diary, Bhat, Indira Bridge, Gandhinagar 382 428
| Outreach exhibition Hall, IPR Main Campus
| Introductory talk, more than 25 interactive experiments on plasma & its applications
| 90 mins
| Various labs of IPR
| Aditya Tokamak and/or SST-1 Tokamak, Technology Park, Cryogenics Bay
| 60 mins
| Fusion Technology Laboratories (specilized visits)
| Robotics, cryo-pumps, magnetics, 132kV substation etc.,
| 60 mins
Google map link
| A-10/B, G.I.D.C. Electronics Estate, Sector 25, Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382016
| Industrial, medical and other societal applications of plasma
| 180 mins
Steps to be followed to schedule your visit to IPR
1. Please check if your proposed date is available or not, by contacting IPR Outreach
Mr. Gattu Ramesh Babu
079-2396 2136 / 2396 4425 / 2396 4426
Mob : 94087 83583 (Call/WhatsApp)
| Mr. Narendra L Chauhan
079-2396 4158 / 2396 4425 / 2396 4426
Mob : 97272 46856 (Call/WhatsApp)
| Contact Timings (Mon-Fri, 10:00-17:00)
2. Once your date is confirmed, please use the following on-line form to apply for your proposed visit to IPR.
3. Please also upload in PDF format, the details of the visitors, duly signed by the group in-charge and the Head of the Department / Institution.
4. The template for the details of the visitors can be downlaoded from the link below. Please send a copy of the uploaded file (PDF) to <> with the subject <IPR Visit>.
4. Please plan your visit only after getting a confirmation from IPR.
5. Please inform us well in advance in case you are canceling your trip.
6. Once you reach the main gate of IPR, identify yourself. The security gate will be informed about your visit.
7. Once you enter IPR, drive straight along the road to the main building. Our representative will be waiting for your there.
8. Please carry your ID card issued by your institute with you when you visit.
9. After your visit, please fill in the on-line feedback form.
Please note :
(a) Please email a copy of the details of all the visitors (students and accompanying staff) to <>. Even though we can accommodate maximum 90 number of visitors (students and faculty), 40 would be an ideal number in order to finish the tours comfortably within the prescribed time. Visitors of foreign nationality WILL NOT be permitted.
(b) IPR currently has 2 campuses (1) IPR main campus (2) Facilitation Centre for Industrial Plasma Technologies (FCIPT).
(c) IPR office hours are 9:00 to 17:30, Mon-Fri. Visits can be scheduled from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
(d) IPR reserves the right to cancel/ reschedule your pre-confirmed visit in case it is required to do so. In case of a cancellation/rescheduling, IPR will inform you as early as possible.
(e) IPR will not provide any certificate for the visit undertaken by your group to IPR.
(f) If the visiting group wants, they can book their lunch/snacks at the IPR canteen (on payment basis). Please contact IPR Outreach team, if you wish to do so.