IPR Visits - July 2024

IPR Outreach Activities Related to 70 Years of DAE

Under the DAE Platinum Jubilee celebrations, IPR plans to invites local schools and colleges as well as other outstation educational institutions to visit IPR and its R&D facilities.

Visiting Institution
Students of
No. of visitors
(Students + teachers)
B.E. (Faculty)
B.E. (C.S.- I year)
B.E. (C.S. - I year)
B.E.(I.T. - I year)
B.E.(I year)

  Nirma University, Ahmedabad
25 members of Nirma University Faculty, Ahmedabad visited IPR on 2nd July, 2024. At IPR, these faculty were given an introductory lecture on plasma by Mr. Gattu Ramesh Babu and then they were shown various exhibits on plasma by the Outreach team. They were also taken to visit Robotics lab, Technology Park and SST-1 tokamak.  
Mr. Gattu Ramesh Babu introducing plasma to the faculty members

Outreach members explaining the exhibits at Outreach hall and Technology Park to the visitors
Visit to Robotics lab and VR hall
Group pic of Nirma Faculty

  Vidush Somany Institute of Technology and Research, Kadi
50 students and 2 faculty members of Computer Science, Information Technology and Computer Science Engineering of Vidush Somany Institute of Technology and Research, Kadi visited IPR on 18th July, 2024. At IPR, these students and faculty were given an introductory lecture on plasma by Mr. Gattu Ramesh Babu and then they were demonstrated with various exhibits on plasma by the Outreach team. They were also taken to Technology Park and SST-1 tokamak.
Mr. Gattu Ramesh Babu introducing plasma to the students
Outreach members explaining the exhibits at Outreach hall and Cryogenics bay to the visitors
Group pic of students and faculty of VSITR, Kadi

  LDRP - Institute of Technology and Research, Gandhinagar and
  Sardar Vallabhbhai Global University, UCP Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad
35 students and 3 faculty members of Electronics and communication Engineering Department of LDRP - Institute of Technology and Research, Gandhinagar and another group of 27 students and 2 faculty members of Computer Science Engineering of Sardar Vallabhbhai Global University, UCP Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad visited IPR on 23rd July, 2024. At IPR, these students and faculty were given an introductory lecture on plasma by Mr. Gattu Ramesh Babu and then they were demonstrated with various exhibits on plasma by the Outreach team. They were also taken to Technology Park and SST-1 tokamak.
Mr. Gattu Ramesh Babu introducing plasma to the students and faculty

Outreach members explaining the exhibits at Outreach hall and Technology park to the visitors
Group pic of students and faculty of LDRP-ITR, Gandhinagar
Group pic of students and faculty of Sardar Vallabhbhai Global University, UCP Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad

  Shree Swaminarayan Institute of Technology, Bhat, Gandhinagar (C.S. - I year)
75 students and 2 faculty members of Computer Science of Shree Swaminarayan Institute of Technology, Bhat, Gandhinagar visited IPR on 24th July, 2024. At IPR, these students and faculty were given an introductory lecture on plasma by Mr. Gattu Ramesh Babu and then they were demonstrated with various exhibits on plasma by the Outreach team. They were also taken to Technology Park and SST-1 tokamak.
Mr. Gattu Ramesh Babu introducing plasma to the students and faculty

Outreach members explaining the exhibits at Outreach hall, Technology Park and SST1 to the visitors
Group pic of students and faculty of Swaminarayan Institute of Technology (C.S.-I yr), Bhat, Gandhinagar

  Shree Swaminarayan Institute of Technology, Bhat, Gandhinagar (I.T.- I year)
75 students and 2 faculty members of Computer Science of Shree Swaminarayan Institute of Technology, Bhat, Gandhinagar visited IPR on 25h July, 2024. At IPR, these students and faculty were given an introductory lecture on plasma by Mr. Gattu Ramesh Babu and then they were demonstrated with various exhibits on plasma by the Outreach team. They were also taken to Technology Park and SST-1 tokamak.
Mr. Gattu Ramesh Babu introducing plasma to the students and faculty

Outreach members explaining the exhibits at Outreach hall and SST1 to the visitors
Group pic of students and faculty of Swaminarayan Institute of Technology(I.T.-I yr), Bhat, Gandhinagar

  Shree Swaminarayan Institute of Technology, Bhat, Gandhinagar (I year)
48 students and 2 faculty members of I year Engineering branches of Shree Swaminarayan Institute of Technology, Bhat, Gandhinagar visited IPR on 26th July, 2024. At IPR, these students and faculty were given an introductory lecture on plasma by Ms. Harsha Machchhar and then they were demonstrated with various exhibits on plasma by the Outreach team. They were also taken to Technology Park and SST-1 tokamak.
Ms. Harsha Machchhar introducing plasma to the students and faculty

Outreach members explaining the exhibits at Outreach hall and SST1 to the visitors
Group pic of students and faculty of Swaminarayan Institute of Technology(I yr), Bhat, Gandhinagar

© IPR, 2024-25