Scientific Outreach Activities - June 2018

Organized by / At
07-08 June, 2018
MPCOST / Bhopal
21-22 June, 2018
GUJCOST / Gandhinagar

  3rd IPR NCSTC Training Programme
3rd training programme in the joint IPR-NCSTC scientific outreach series "Awareness-Cum-Training Programme On Plasma Science & Technology and Energy from Nuclear Fusion" was held at Guwahati during 07-08 June, 2018. Organized by the Assam Science, Technology and Environment Council (ASTEC), 40 Physics teachers of high/senior school and junior colleges from the eastern states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Orissa, Sikkim, Tripura and West Bengal attended this training programme.  The meeting was held at the Regional Science Center, Khanapara, Guwahati. The inauguration of the programme was done by Dr. Ranjit Barman, Senior Scientific Officer & Head I/C of the Assam Science, Technology and Environment Council (ASTEC) along with Shri. Basudev Mandal, Scientific Officer of Regional Science Center, Guwahati, Prof. Kalyal Goswami, Center Director, CPP-IPR, Sonapur. The chief guest for the event was Plasma Physicist and founder director of CPP, Prof. S. Bujarbaruah.

Images from the Training Programme at Guwahati

  4th IPR-NCSTC Training Programme
The 4th training programme in the joint IPR-NCSTC scientific outreach series "Awareness-Cum-Training Programme On Plasma Science & Technology and Energy from Nuclear Fusion" was held at Gandhinagar, Gujarat from 21-23 June, 2018. Organized by the Gujarat Council for Science & Technology (GUJCOST) and Gujarat Science City, 50 Physics teachers of high/senior school and junior colleges from the eastern states of Gujarat, Daman & Diu, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Goa attended this training programme.  The programme, held at the Ahmedabad Science City on 21-22 June, 2018, was inaugurated by Shri Ravinder Gaur, DST and was presided over by Dr, Natottam Sahoo Member Secretary, GUJCOST and Shri S. D. Vora, Executive Director, Gujarat council of Science City.
Images from the Training Programme at Gandhinagar

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