BUTI Young Scientist Award
Award Details |
To encourage young scientists, ‘Buti Young Scientist Award' has been instituted by Buti Foundation. The award consists of a Certificate of Merit and a cash prize of Rs.10,000. On behalf of Buti Foundation, Plasma Science Society of India (PSSI) at its Annual National Conference will present this award to the selected young researcher for the best presentation.
One award will be exclusively for applicants from Universities and Colleges and the second one will be open to all young scientists. This has been done keeping in mind that the scientists at Universities and Colleges do not have facilities comparable to the ones at Research Institutes. However there will be no compromise on the quality of the presentation. In case, the presentations are not to the mark, no award will be given that year. |
Rules & Guidlines (Please read carefully before submitting your entry) |
(A) Following documents should be e-mailed to buti.awards@gmail.com on or before 15th September 2017. Entries received after this date will not be considered. Please note that ONLY full papers for BUTI Young Scientist Award will be accepted at this email ID. Abstract has to be submitted as a normal contributed paper to the Plasma 2017 abstract submission portal. (1) One-page abstract (HAS to be submitted to the abstract submission portal of Plasma 2017), (2) Full manuscript of the work carried out by the student (maximum 5 A4 size pages) (3) Recent CV of the applicant. (4) Approval from the thesis advisor of the applicant (B) Maximum age limit is 35 years as on 1-1-2017 (C) The Scientific programme committee of PSSI will do an initial screening to select 5-6 applicants who will be asked to make an ORAL presentation at the special session during the Plasma Conference. (D) Time given will usually be 15+5 minutes, but if a situation arises that would necessitate rescheduling of the presentation time, the applicants would be informed prior to the start of the session and they would need to complete their talk within the stipulated time. (E) Other than scientific quality of the work being presented, the panel of judges will also seriously consider the presentation skills (visual as well as vocal), time management, clarity of presentation as well as defence of the presented data while choosing a awardee. (F) The applicant should NOT have presented the same material in previous editions of the Buti Award. (G) The panel of judges may choose NOT to award the prize in case a suitable candidate is not found. (H) The decision of the panel of Judges would be final and binding. (I) Applicant SHOULD be a member of PSSI. He/she can also become a member prior during the conference. (J) All participants of Plasma -2017 wishing to apply for BUTI Young Scientist Award-2014 must submit their abstract through the online abstract submission portal of PLASMA-2017 and the full paper and other documents to the email <buti.awards@gmail.com>. Participants who have submitted abstracts for BYSA but have not submitted the FULL PAPER within the deadline (15 Sept) will be treated as a normal conference contribution (oral/poster). (K) Number of entries for BUTI Young Scientist award are limited, the Scientific programme Committee will review the entries and select the suitable entries for BYSA presentation. |
List of abstracts selected for BUTI award presentation