1. "Quality Evaluation of CuCrZr to SS Diffusion Joints using Ultrasonic C-scan Imaging technique”, Kedar Bhope, K P Singh, Alpesh Patel, Mayur Mehta and S.S.Khirwadkar. Poster Presentation in National Conference on Non Destructive Testing-2015 (NDE-2015), December 2015, Hyderabad, India.

  1. “Preparation of W/CuCrZr mono-block test mock-up using Vacuum Brazing technique“, K.P Singh, S Khirwadkar, Kedar Bhope, Nikunj Patel, Prakash Mokaria, Mayur Mehta, 10th Asia Plasma and Fusion Association Conference APFA -2015 (APFA - 2015), Gandhinagar, India, 14th -18th Dec 2015.

  1. “Development of an Application Software and GUI for DACS of New High Heat Flux Test Facility at IPR”, Sunil Belsare, Samir Khirwadkar, Ritesh Sugandhi, Rajamannar Swamy, Yashashri Patil,  Kedar Bhope,  Kalpesh Galodiya, Prakash Mokaria, Tushar Patel 10th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition and Remote Participation for Fusion Research, 20-24 April 2015 Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA.

  1. “Thermal shock behavior of Tungsten & Tungsten alloy materials under transient high heat load conditions” S. Kanpara, S. Khirwadkar, S. Belsare, K. Bhope, R. Swamy, P. Mokariya, N. Patel, T. Patel, N. Chauhan, N. Jamnapara. POSTER presentation on in 10th Asia Plasma and Fusion Association conference (APFA-2015), Gandhinagar, 14-18 December 2015.

  1. "Design and performance of vacuum system for High Heat Flux Test Facility", Rajamannar Swamy, Prakash Mokaria, Samir Khirwadkar, Sunil Belsare, M S Khan, Tushar Patel, Deepu Krishnan. 10th Asia Plasma & Fusion Association Conference 14th-18th December 2015, Gandhiangar, Gujarat.