Contact: Mr.Rajamannar Swamy

(rajamannar AT

Ph.No: +91-79-2396 4420

The Divertor and First wall components analysis under fusion reactor kind configuration provides an excellent simulation opportunity due to diverse technological areas and state of art subsystems. SIMulator Project (SIMP) is an undergoing development in this direction along with computational and scientific visualization facilities. It implements a technological bridge between abstract mathematical models and engineering subsystems operation. Current scope of this software is high heat flux test facility for test and analysis of mockups involving various state or art subsystems viz. vacuum system, Electron gun, diagnostics, high pressure and temperature water circulation system etc. The targeted deliverables are application softwares demonstrating various operational scenarioes and analysis visualizers. One of the motivations is to execute the virtual experiments before actual shot as well as rewind of the actual shots for analysis. It can also be used for training of operators.The software architecture is open and extensible enough to integrate Instrumentation and Control hardware for small experimentation if required. Presently, a National Fusion Program (NFP) funded M.Tech. project on High pressure high temperature water loop simulator software is in progress as first prototype. Overall, software will lead to cost containment toward operation of the facility and generate a knowledgebase. The architecture implements a software bus, which integrates subsystem simulator modules,computational modules and common control system utility modules like GUI, Alarm, State machine, process flow, archival and database etc. It is based on modular EPICS control system framework and associated toolkits, scientific python, Postgres database and user interface toolkits. The tools choices are complience with the latest control system technology development in fusion world.