Electro Polishing and Etching machine
Contact: Mr.Shailesh Kanpara
(skanpara AT ipr.res.in)
Ph.No: +91-79-2396 2239
Scope of equipment: Electro polishing and etching machine is used widely for the metallography of specimen/samples such as stainless steels, copper alloys, Tungsten and Tungsten alloys, etc. Eletcro Polishing and Etching includes very fine polishing (less than 1 micron) followed by revealing the microstructure of a specimen using suitable electrolytes.
Make:- M/s. Omni Tech, Pune
Model:- Electopol
Technical Specification (major):
1. Polishing Voltage: 0 to 110 V DC
2. Polishing Current: 0 to 10 Amp
3. Etching Voltage: 0 to 15 V DC
4. Etching Current : 0 to 2 Amp