Contact: Mr.Alpesh Patel

(akpatel AT

Ph.No: +91-79-2396 4112/2187

Leaflets: GLEEBLE 3800 SYSTEMS

The Gleeble 3800C is a fully integrated digital closed-loop control thermal and mechanical testing system. Feature like, easy-to-use Windows based computer software in combination with an array of powerful processors provides user friendly interface to create, run and analyze the data from thermal-mechanical tests and physical simulations programs.

Gleeble 3800 system uses direct resistance heating system to heat the specimens at rates up to 10,000°C/second, or can hold steady-state equilibrium temperatures.

General Specifications of Gleeble 3800 System:

1.  Maximum heating rate - 10,000°C/second

2.  Maximum cooling rate - 10,000°C/second with quenching system

3.  Maximum stroke rate - 2000 mm/second

4.  Maximum force - 10 ton in tension and 20 ton in compression

5.  Specimen:-

    Specimen Geometry: Round, square and flat

     Specimen Size:  5 mm dia. - 20mm dia. for round specimen

                                      5 mm - 20 mm square for square specimen

                                      2mm - 50mm thick flat specimen

Applications of Gleeble 3800 system:

Materials Testing:-

  • Hot tensile testing on many differentspecimen geometries

  • Hot compression testing

  • Develop stress vs. strain curves

  • Melting and solidi?cation

  • Nil strength testing

  • Hot ductility testing

  • Dilatometry/phase transformation

  • Stress relaxation studies

  • Creep/stress rupture

  • Fatigue

                   Thermal fatigue

                   Thermal-mechanical fatigue

Process Simulation:-

  • Continuous casting

  • Hot rolling

  • Forging

  • Extrusion

  • Weld HAZ cycles

  • Upset butt welding

  • Diffusion bonding

  • Continuous strip annealing

  • Heat treating

  • Quenching

  • Sintering

Gleeble 3800 system at HTTD division