2D Digital Image Correlation System
2D Digital Image Correlation System
Contact: Mr.Kedar Satish Bhope
(kedar AT ipr.res.in)
Ph.No: +91-79-2396 4156/4420
Leaflets: 2D_DIC
Digital Image Correlation (DIC) method is a powerful technique for measuring material strain deformation field. By comparison of digital images of the un-deformed and deformed configuration, DIC provides full - field displacements to sub-pixel accuracy and full–field strains in recorded images. 2D- DIC system is set-up at High Temperature Technologies Division, IPR using a single monochrome high speed imaging camera (1280x1024 pixels @ 2000 fps, Make Photron Inc.) and open source software for 2D full-field strain measurement. 2D DIC system have a potential utilization such as (1) Material property and strain field characterization during tensile testing, (2) Strain induced on component/material due to temperatures (in high/Cryogenic regimes) and (3) Transient strain behavior during mechanical testing.
High Speed Camera features:
1280 x 1024 resolution up to 2,000fps.
1280 x 720 (720p) resolution up to 3,200 fps.
12 bit Dynamic range.
3.9 µsec Minimum exposure time.
8GB Memory configurations.
ISO Sensitivity: 10,000 monochrome.
Fame rate synchronization with external trigger
Non-contact inspection with immediate full - field displacements results.
Open source DIC software analyzes strains, displacements, velocities, accelerations, rotations, angles and changes in angle.