Contact: Mr.Alpesh Patel

(akpatel AT

Ph.No: +91-79-2396 4112/2187

MPDB is a Material Properties Database software from JAHM, USA. It provides an access to more than 2500 materials for temperature dependent data of elastic modulus, thermal expansion, thermal conductivity, S-N fatigue curves, stress-strain curves & more. Software can generate output file in .xml, .SI_MPL, .txt formats compatible with ANSYS/Abaqus. These output files can be directly used for input of material properties in ANSYS/Abaqus software.

Our division is dealing with many different types of ferrous and nonferrous materials for its research and development related activities. Material properties of many of the materials used by our division are not commonly available. Material property database software is found very much useful in managing the material database available with us. Also the temperature dependent material property of different materials available in material property database software is found useful for comparative studies of different materials during design process of various components.


Snaps of MPDB software