Contact: Mr. Sunil M. Belsare

(belsare AT

Ph.No: +91-79-2396 4420

This is a PLC (Programmable Logic Control) controlled High Vacuum Furnace with Data Acquire Software SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data acquisition). Brazing is done either in high vacuum environment or inert gas environment. Brazing furnace can operate in three modes.

1.    High Vacuum Heating, High Vacuum cooling

2.    High Vacuum + Inert gas heating, Fast cooling

3.    Inert gas Heating and Inert gas cooling

Parameters of vacuum Brazing Furnace:

1)    Heaters: - Molybdenum strip

2)    Hot zone: -350mm(w) x 150mm(h) x 500mm(d)

3)    Maximum Charge Weight: -75kg

4)    Temperature Uniformity: -+/- 5 C

5)    Heating rate :-Programmable From 1 c/minute to 25 c/minute

6)    Rapid cooling :-Gas fast cooling using Internal blower and Heat exchanger


Hot zone is a rectangular cage fitted inside the vacuum chamber furnace whose actual size is 450mm x 300mm x 650mm. Out of it the effective area of Hot zone is 350mm x 150mm x  500mm in which various samples are placed for Brazing, Casting and Baking. The maximum design temperature of hot zone is 1200 C and the maximum operating temperature is 1100 C. There are 10 numbers of K- type Thermo couples used to measure the temperature of the job at different location.


The control Console of the brazing furnace is based on PLC and SCADA software. Furnace can be operated manually from the control panel or remotely from PC. Date, Time, Temperature and Pressure inside the chamber are acquired during the process and store in PC in a separate file for each job.  Front view of the control panel is shown in the figure.