Name | Dr. Samir S. Khirwadkar | |
Designation: | Scientific Officer-H, Head, High Temperature Technologies Division (HTTD), IPR. | |
E-mail Id: | sameer AT | |
Contact No: | Ph.No: +91-79-2396 2073, (Annu net -792 & 2073) | |
Fax: | +91-79-2396 2277 | |
Area of work: | Design - Development - Testing of Divertors & FirstWall Components (Plasma Facing Components) for thermo-nuclear plasma fusion devices / reactors such as Tokamaks. This includes scientific and engineering computations & simulations, engineering design and analysis of components, development and testing of materials - material joining processes - components, fabrication, assembly and testing of components, set up various destructive and non-destructive test facilities needed for testing of materials & components. |
Name: | Dr. K.P. Singh | |
Designation: | Scientific Officer-F (Physics) | |
E-mail Id: | kpsingh AT | |
Contact No: | Ph.No: +91-79-2396 2107 | |
Area of work: | Development of joining technique for the Plasma Facing Components (PFCs) of ITER like tokamak and future DEMO relevant divertor application. This includes joining of Tungsten (W) to Tungsten alloy (WL10), WL10/SS, SS/CuCrZr and WCu/CuCrZr by diffusion bonding and vacuum brazing routes. Materials testing and characterization using Gleeble 3800 system; In-house test mockup fabrication such as medium scale water-cooled DOME, reflector plate and Tungsten monoblock mockup and its qualification such as metallography, mechanical test (shear, hardness) and thermal fatigue test etc. Thermal and electrical property measurement of the material & joint samples using Laser Flash Thermal conductivity unit and using four probe resistivity measurement setup; Coating of various target materials (W, Cu, Cr, Graphite etc.) on selective material (substrate) surface by using RF magnetron sputtering unit. Other than divisional works - joining of Inconel 625 to Inconel 625 material using diffusion bonding and high temperature vacuum brazing technique for Recuperator application. |
Name: | Mr. Sunil M. Belsare | |
Designation: | Scientific Officer-F (Electronics / Instrumentation ) | |
E-mail Id: | belsare AT | |
Contact No: | Ph.No: +91-79-2396 2107 | |
Area of work: | Overall operation and safety aspects of High Heat Flux Test Facility (HHFTF). Development and operation of data acquisitions and control system of HHFTF. Operation and programming of vacuum brazing furnace to carry brazing/casting experiments for the development of Plasma Facing Components. Calibration of contact/ non-contact type high temperature measuring instruments till 3000 °C. |
Name: | Alpesh Patel | |
Designation: | Scientific Officer-F (Mechanical) | |
E-mail Id: | akpatel AT | |
Contact No: | Ph.No: +91-79-2396 4112/2187 | |
Area of work: | Operation and maintenance of Gleeble 3800 system. Material development and material characterization related work using Gleeble 3800 system. Development of material joining technology for plasma facing components. |
Name: | Vinay Menon | |
Designation: | Scientific Officer-F (Physics) | |
E-mail Id: | vinay289 AT | |
Contact No: | Ph.No:+91-79-2396 2239/2187 | |
Area of work: | Electromagnetic analysis of ITER like Divertor, Development of high temperature high pressure helium cooling system for high heat flux testing. |
Name: | Rajamannar Swamy | |
Designation: | Scientific Officer-F (Mechanical) | |
E-mail Id: | rajamannar AT | |
Contact No: | Ph.No:+91-79-2396 4420/2239 | |
Area of work: | Operation of HHF test vacuum chamber, Electron beam system, water circulation systems. High heat flux (HHF) testing of plasma facing components, Development of High pressure high temperature water circulation system. |
Name: | Shailesh Kanpara | |
Designation: | Scientific Officer-E (Metallurgy) | |
E-mail Id: | skanpara AT | |
Contact No: | Ph.No:+91-79-2396 4420/2239 | |
Area of work: | Development of Plasma Facing Materials for ITER like Tokamak, Coating technology development for Divertor and First wall application of Tokamak, Welding technology development, Materials Characterization and testing . |
Name: | Kedar Satish Bhope | |
Designation: | Scientific Officer-E (Applied Physics) | |
E-mail Id: | kedar AT | |
Contact No: | Ph.No:+91-79-2396 4420/4156 | |
Area of work: | Development of Non-Destructive testing Techniques and Facility for Divertor Plasma Facing Materials, Components and joints. Development Diagnostics for High Heat Flux Testing of PFCs. Quality Evalution for PFCs using NDT techniques. |
Name: | Mayur Harshadbhai Mehta | |
Designation: | Scientific Officer-C (Physics) | |
E-mail Id: | mayur AT | |
Contact No: | Ph.No:+91-79-2396 4420 | |
Area of work: | Associated work related with Non Destructive Techniques and its sample preparations for PFC .Study Material property measurement for PFC. Operation of Ultrasonic testing and IR Thermography. |
Name: | Priyanka Patel. | |
Designation: | Scientific Assistant-D (Physics) | |
E-mail Id: | priyankapatel AT | |
Contact No: | Ph.No:+91-79-2396 2239 | |
Area of work: | Operational and maintenance of Laser Flash System as well as magnetron sputtering system and its sample preparation. Computation related work such as DFD group server, DFD website, Database and data analysis. |
Name: | Prakash K. Mokaria | |
Designation: | Scientific Assistant-D1 (Physics) | |
E-mail Id: | prakashk AT | |
Contact No: | Ph.No:+91-79-2396 4414 | |
Area of work: | Operational and Maintenance Activity related to Vacuum Brazing Furnace, Sample preparation activity for Brazing, Testing of vacuum components and related experiments. |
Name: | Tushar Patel | |
Designation: | Scientific Assistant-D1 (Electrical) | |
E-mail Id: | tpatel AT | |
Contact No: | Ph.No:+91-79-2396 4420 | |
Area of work: | Design and development of Electrical distribution power panel and power supply for various test facilities. Maintenance of electrical power distribution panel and other electrical equipments. |
Name: | Nikunj Patel | |
Designation: | Scientific Assistant-D (Mechanical) | |
E-mail Id: | pnikunj AT | |
Contact No: | Ph.No:+91-79-2396 4420 | |
Area of work: | Operation & maintenance of High Pressure High Temperature Water Circulation System (HPHT WCS) in High Heat Flux (HHF) experiment.Operation and maintenance of water chillers. Assembly of test mock ups in vacuum chamber for HHF experiment. Sample preparation using metallurgical equipments. |
Designation: | Scientific Assistant-B (Mechanical) | |
E-mail Id: | sunil.agrahari AT | |
Contact No: | Ph.No:+91-79-2396 2239 | |
Area of work: | Operation and maintenance of Gleeble 3800 system. Material characterization related work using Gleeble 3800 system. Development of material joining technology for plasma facing components. Making this drawing for plasma facing components. |