Contact: Dr. K.P. Singh

(kpsingh AT

Ph.No: +91-79-2396 2107

Metallographic equipment(s) generally include sample cutting, grinding, mounting, polishing, etching, microstructural analysis etc. Depending upon the requirement of the application, following equipment(s) can be used to obtain proper sample preparation techniques.

We have the following equipment(s) in the division:

i.     Abrasive Cutting Machine

(Model: Baincut -UM, Make: Chennai Metco)

(Machining of specimen, Tungsten tile machining, CuCrZr tube & block, SS pipes & block etc.)

ii.    Pneumatic Mounting Press

(Model: Bainmount - P,  Make: Chennai Metco)

(Making of moulding of different sizes specimens, Automatic cooling system)

iii.    General Purpose grinding Machine

(Model: Bainline -GP , Make: Chennai Metco)

(Rough grinding of specimens, plate, tiles, copper block etc.)

iv.    Semi-automatic double disc polishing machine

(Model: Bainpol VTD-SA, Make: Chennai Metco)

(Polishing of specimens, fine polishing using different grit size SiC papers, Mirror finish polishing using diamond paste on velvet cloth etc.)

v.    Metallurgical Microscope -Image analysis software-CCD colour camera

(Model: SDM 210, Make: Seiwa Japan)

(Optical microstructure analysis of specimen)