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2020 (8)

HARSHITA RAJ / Study of Generation and Transport of Runaway Electrons in Aditya and Aditya-U Tokamak

LAVKESH LACHHVANI / Long-Time Confinement of Toroidal Electron Plasma in Smartex-C

SONU YADAV / Effect of Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field on Helicon Antenna Produced Expanding Plasma

MAYANK RAJPUT / Study of Transmutation, Gas Production and Displacement Damage in Iron, Tungsten and Chromium for D-T Neutron Irradiation

JOSHI JAY KIRTIKUMAR / Inferring the Magnetization effect in high density CCRF Discharges- an Electrical Approach

RANJANA GANGRADEY / Pumping speed of Hydrogen and Helium gases using activated carbons as sorbent material at liquid helium temperature for cryopump applications, Institute of Science, Nirma University, Ahmedabad

PRITI KANTH / Nuclear Activation Studies in Fusion Systems: New Methods and Algorithms

GARIMA ARORA / Laboratory Studies of Stationary and Non-Stationary Structures in Flowing Complex Plasmas

2021 (8)

ZALA ARUNSINH BAKULSINH / Investigations on Weldability of Aluminide Coated 9cr Steel

JAIN YOGESH MITHALALJI / Design, Development and Characterisation of a Passive Active Multijunction RF Launcher Compatible with ADITYA-Upgrade Tokamak

MOHAMMED ZUBAIRUDDIN / Thermo-mechanical analysis of GTA welding of Modified 9Cr-1Mo steel considering the effects of phase transformation, Pre heating and Post heating

MONTU PRAFULBHAI BHUVA / Magnetic Field Effects on Cold Hollow Cathode DC Discharge: An Experimental and Modeling Study

MEENAKSHEE SHARMA / Perturbation studies in a plasma confined by multi-pole line-cusp magnetic field

PRANJAL SINGH / Study of in Situ Measurement of Work Function and Caesium Dynamics

AVNISH KUMAR PANDEY / Non-Neutral Sheath Region Around Surfaces in Low Temperature Plasma Containing Negative Ions

CHANDAN DANANI / Computational Modeling of Tritium Release from Porous Ceramic Pebbles

2022 (9)

TANMAY MACWAN / Effect of Short Gas-puff Pulses and Biasedelectrode on Transport, MHD Instabilities, Plasma-Wall Interaction and Runaway Electrons in ADITYA-U Tokamak

CHINMOY MALLICK / Studies of Cavity Modes on Plasma and its Influence on Ion Beam in a Microwave Ion Source 

HARIPRASAD MG / Experimental Investigation of Complex Plasma Crystals in a DC Glow Discharge Plasma 

JOSHI HIRAL BHASKARBHAI / Experimental Study of Low Power Microwave and Plasma Interactions, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat

AYUSHI VASHISTHA / Study of Laser Interacting With Magnetized Plasma 

DEVSHREE MANDAL / Some Studies on Interaction of Laser with Overdense Plasma

NIDHI RATHEE / Breaking of Large Amplitude Electrostatic Waves in Inhomogeneous Plasmas 

PAWANDEEP KAUR / Molecular Dynamics Study of Convection Cells in 2D Yukawa Liquids 

SHIVAM KUMAR MISHRA / Radiation Reaction Effects On Laser Driven Acceleration of Charged Particles

2023 (15)

VIKAS RATHORE / Study of Plasma Activation of Water and its applications in Antimicrobial and Agricultural activities

SOUMEN DE KARMAKAR / Collective dynamics of active or self-propelled particles

SATADAL DAS / Studies on External Electrode Influence on Magnetized Plasma Properties in Linear Device

PACHCHIGAR VIVEK MAHENDRAKUMAR / Superhydrophobic Surfaces Developed through Argon Plasma Processing For Self-Cleaning and   Water Harvesting Technologies

SWAPNALI KHAMARU / Exploring Electron Plasmas Confined in Toroidal Magnetic Field: A 3D Particle-In-Cell Simulation Study

NANDINI YADAV / Spectroscopic Investigation of Neutral and Impurity Dynamics in the Edge Region of ADITYA-U Tokamak, Nirma University, Ahmedabad

SANJEEV KUMAR PANDEY / Linear and Nonlinear Waves In Spatially Non-Uniform 1D Vlasov-Poisson Plasmas

ARNAB JYOTI DEKA / Design, Development and Characterization of Doppler Shifted Spectroscopic Diagnostic System for Negative     Hydrogen Ion Beam in Fusion Application

JAGANNATH MAHAPATRA / Magnetohydrodynamic Study of Magnetic Island Coalescence - Role of Shear Flows

PRIYANKA TIWARI / Analysis, Design and Characterization of Metasurfaces for RCS Reduction

SUKRITI HANS / Nanopatterns Formation by Low-Energy Ions: Experiment and Simulation 

SWARNIMA SINGH / Experimental Study of a Quasi Two-Dimensional Complex Plasma 

PRINCE KUMAR / Study on Rotating Dusty Plasma Equilibria and Their Excitations in Strongly Coupled Quasi-Localized Regime 

KRISHAN KUMAR / Excitation of Non-Linear Waves and Instabilities in a Flowing Dusty Plasma

SUDHIRSINH J VALA / Development of a Rotating Tritium Target-Based D-T Neutron Generator System for Fusion Neutronics Studies 

2024 (21)

AJAY KUMAR PANDEY / Guided and Leaky Modes Characteristics Of Dielectric Loaded Helix Structure 

RAM KRUSHNA MOHANTA / Investigation of Thermal Plasma Jet for Low – Pressure Plasma Spraying

KUMARPALSINH A. JADEJA / Synthesis and Studies on Some Surface Conditioning Materials and Techniques for Tokamak and Laboratory Vacuum Systems, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

RAWAT BHARATSINGH BHUPENDRASINGH / Studies on Extraction of an Ion beam and its Transport from a Multi-Cusp Gridded Ion Source

VIJAY SHANKAR / Control of Edge and Scrape-Off Layer Tokamak Plasma Turbulence  

MILAAN VIJAYBHAI PATEL / Development of Pulsed Supersonic Beam System for Tokamak Edge Diagnostics and Other Applications

SEBIN AUGUSTINE / Development of SERS Substrates Based on Self-Organized Nanoparticles for the Molecular Sensing Applications

SWATI / Studies on Magnetic Field Effects in a Capacitive Coupled Cylindrical Radio Frequency Plasma Device

ANSHIKA CHUGH / Ratchet Effects and Collective Dynamics in Passive and Active Systems

SHRISH RAJ / Effect of Impurity Gas Seeding in the Boundary Region of Tokamak

PAWANDEEP SINGH / Sheath Effects on the Resonance Hairpin Probe in Negative Ion Diagnostics

RAKESHKUMAR L. TANNA / Experimental Studies of Confinement Improvement, Disruption Mitigations, and Runaway Electrons Mitigations in ADITYA and ADITYA-U Tokamak, Nirma University, Ahmedabad

PIYUSH PRAJAPATI / An Engineering Study of Concepts for Heat Extraction and Power Conversion from Moderate Sized Tokamak Fusion Reactors

SHISHIR BISWAS / Turbulent Dynamo Action in a 3-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Plasma

NITIN BAIRAGI / Study of MgB2 Based Superconducting Current Feeder System for Fusion Devices

KALYANI SWAIN / Laser Cluster Interaction in Strong External Magnetic Field

JANMEJAY UMESHBHAI BUCH / Study of Edge Plasma Dynamics in Tokamak Aditya-U

KIRANKUMAR G. PATEL / FPGA based real time density feedback control system for ADITYA-U Tokamak

VARSHA SIJU / Study of Electron Dynamics in Tokamak Plasma through Electron Cyclotron (EC) Emission Using Radiometer

ANJAN PAUL / Vlasov Maxwell Simulations of Whistler Mode Interaction with Bulk and Beam Plasma

SURUJ JYOTI KALITA / Molecular Dynamics Study of Subcritical Transition to Turbulence in a 3D Yukawa Liquid

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2010 (3)
SUBHASH, P.V. / Computational Studies of a Magnetized Target Fusion System
MAYA, P.N. / Simulation Studies on Co-Deposited Hydrocarbon Films and Hydrogen Retention
SUNITA NEGI / Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Nanometer Sized Devices Based on Carbon Nanotubes

2011 (7)
KISHOR KUMAR, K. / Plasma Assisted Physical Vapor Deposition of Nano-Structured Coatings
SRIVASTAVA, A.K. / Experimental Studies on Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge Plasma
YADAV, SHARAD KUMAR / Electron Magnetohydrodynamic (EMHD) Studies on Electron Transport in an Inhomogeneous Plasma Medium
JOY, ASHWIN / Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Coherent Structures in Strongly Coupled Yukawa Liquids
KAR, SATYANANDA / Plasma Response to Transient High Voltage Pulses
CHOWDHURY, JUGAL / Linear and Nonlinear Global Gyrokinetic Study of Microinstabilities in Tokamaks
JYOTI SHANKAR MISHRA / A study of pellet-plasma interactions using fast three-dimensional imaging in Large Helical Device, The Graduate University for Advance Studies, NIFS, Japan

2012 (5)
VERMA, PRABAL SINGH / Study of Nonlinear Oscillations and Waves in Plasma
GOUD, T SHEKAR / Study of Fluctuations and Intrinsic Flows in a Simple Toroidal Plasma
SITA SUNDAR / Study of Fast Time Scale Phenomena in Plasmas
SARVESHWAR SHARMA / Investigation of Ion and Electron Kinetic Phenomena in Capacitively Coupled Radio-Frequency Plasma Sheaths: A Simulation Study, Dublin City University
ZIAUDDIN KHAN / Studies on High Tc Technical Superconductors, V.B.S. Purvanchal University, Jaunpur

2013 (10)
UJJWAL SINHA / Radiation Pressure Acceleration of Ions in Bulk Targets by Ultra-Intense Laser Pulses
RAMESWAR SINGH / Momentum Transport: Intrinsic Rotation and Zonal Flows in Microturbulence in Tokamaks
VIKRAM SAGAR / Laser Driven Acceleration of Charged Particles in Vacuum
GURUDATT GAUR / Study of Shear Driven Electron Magnetohydrodynamic (EMHD) Instabilities in Plasmas
SANAT KUMAR TIWARI / Generalized Hydrodynamic Description of Dusty Plasmas
KSHITISH KUMAR BARADA / Study of Wave Propagation and Potential Structures in an Expanding Helicon Plasma
SUSHIL KUMAR SINGH / Observation and Theory of Electron Temperature Gradient Turbulence in Laboratory Plasma
DEEPAK SANGWAN / Studies of Plasma Flows in Scrape-Off Layer Plasma of Aditya Tokamak
SANTANU BANERJEE / Experimental Studies of Edge Turbulence, Convective Transport and SOL Flow in the Spherical Tokamak QUEST, Kyushu University, Japan
NIRAV I. JAMNAPARA / Development of Aluminized Coatings on P91 Steel for Pb-Li Environment in Fusion Reactors, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

2014 (4)
RANA PRATAP YADAV / Design and developmental aspects of high power ultra-wideband 3dB hybrid coupler for the ICRF heating in tokamak
PRAVESH DHYANI / Biased Electrode Experiments in Aditya Tokamak
PARITOSH CHAUDHURI / Studies on Thermal-Hydraulics of Plasma Facing Components for SST-1 Tokamak, KIIT University Bhubaneswar, Odisha
BRAJ KISHORE SHUKLA / Studies on Quasi-Optical Launchers (QoLs) For Gyrotron Based Ecrh Systems and Its Applications to Plasma, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

2015 (8)
AASHOO N. SHARMA / Studies on Quench Characteristics of Superconducting Magnets of SST-1
MANJIT KAUR / Self-Organized Dust Rotation in an Unmagnetized DC Glow Discharge
G. VEDA PRAKASH / Compact Pulsed Power Systems Using Liquid Dielectrics
ADITYA KRISHNA SWAMY / Global Gyrokinetic Study of Electromagnetic Microinstabilities in Tokamak Plasmas
SAYAK BOSE / Experimental Study of Plasma Oscillations in IMPED
SOUMEN GHOSH / Study of Localized Potential Structure and Heating in Expanding Helicon Plasma
SHWETANG N. PANDYA / Quantitative study of 3D radiation dynamics during resonant magnetic perturbation assisted detached plasmas in the Large Helical Device, The Graduate University for Advance Studies, NIFS, Japan
KISHORE MISHRA / Studies on Self Organization of High Bp Plasma near Equilibrium Limit and its Characteristics in the Spherical Tokamak QUEST, Kyushu University, Japan

2016 (7)
SANDEEP RIMZA / Studies on Helium Cooled Plasma Facing Components for Tokamak Based Fusion Reactor Application
SHRICHAND JAKHAR /  Neutronics Benchmark Studies for the Tritium Breeding Blankets
VIKRAM SINGH DHARODI / Collective Phenomena in Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasma Medium
DUSHYANT KUMAR SHARMA / Slow Wave Characteristics of Metamaterial Loaded Helical Guide
SURABHI JAISWAL / Nonlinear Excitations in Flowing Complex Plasmas
PRATIPALSINH A. RAYJADA / Study of Er2O3 Film Deposition by Different Techniques for the Fusion Reactor Applications, Sardar Patel University, Anand
DIPAKKUMAR J. PATEL / Design and Fabrication of Solid Nitrogen Cooled Mgb2 Based Persistent Magnet for MRI Application, University of Wollongong, Australia

2017 (16)
MANGILAL CHOUDHARY / Experimental Studies on Collective Phenomena in Dusty Plasmas
NEERAJ CHAUBEY / Synchronization Studies Between Two Coupled Glow Discharge Plasma Sources
SAMIRSINH GANPATSINH CHAUHAN / Studies on Magnetically Constricted Anode Plasma Source
CHANDRASEKHAR SHUKLA / Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Fast Electron Time Scale Phenomena
DEEPA VERMA / The Study of Localised Solution in Laser Plasma System
MEGHRAJ SENGUPTA / Studies in Non-Neutral Plasmas using Particle-In-Cell Simulations
HARISH CHARAN / Yukawa Liquids under External Forcing: A Molecular Dynamics Study
AKANKSHA GUPTA / Shear Flows in 2D Strongly Coupled Fluids - A Theoretical and Computational Study
VARA PRASAD KELLA / Ion-Flow Driven Instabilities in Sheath-Presheath Region of Low Temperature Plasma
BIBHU PRASAD SAHOO / 3D Simulations and Analysis of Plasma Transport in the Scrape-Off Layer of Tokamak Aditya
BHUMIKA THAKUR / A Study of the Dynamics of Delay Coupled Nonlinear Oscillators and Some Model Applications
LAISHRAM MODHUCHANDRA SINGH / Studies on Driven Dust Vortex Flow Dynamics in Dusty Plasma
DEBRAJ MANDAL / Collective Plasma Structures with Kinetic Nonlinearity: Their Coherence, Interaction and Stability
MANOJ KUMAR GUPTA / Bubble-Induced Vibration in Liquid Nitrogen Cryopump, Nirma University, Ahmedabad
SUNIL SUSMITHAN / Thermal tuning of a Fabry-Perot cavity for the control of Parametric Instability using a CO2 laser, University of Western Australia, 2017
SUBRATA JANA / Study on Plasma Shaping and Control in Steady State Superconducting Tokomak (SST-1)

2018 (8)
RITESH SUGANDHI / Investigation of Particle Swarm Optimization Technique for Multi Disciplinary Problems
ARGHYA MUKHERJEE / Study of the Breaking of Relativistically Intense Longitudinal Waves in a Homogeneous Plasma
RATAN KUMAR BERA / Fluid Simulation of Electron Beam Driven Wakefield in a Cold Plasma
ROOPENDRA SINGH RAJAWAT / Study of Electrostatic Instabilities in Current Carrying Cold Plasmas
VIDHI GOYAL / Experimental Study on Force Balance in Thermal Plasma Torch
NARAYAN BEHERA  / Investigation of Diamagnetism in Laser-Produced Plasma
UMESH KUMAR / Effect of Controlling Toroidal Field Topology in a Simple Toroidal Plasma: An Experimental Study
GARIMA JOSHI / Experimental Studies of Plasma in ElectronMagnetoHydroDynamic (EMHD) Regime, Nirma University, Ahmedabad

2019 (17)
ATUL KUMAR / Study of Novel Features in Laser-Plasma Interactions
SANDEEP KUMAR / Collective Structures in Two-Dimensional Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasmas
ARUN PANDEY / Development of Permanent Magnet Based Helicon Plasma Source
AMULYA KUMAR SANYASI / Study of Plasma Turbulence in Large Volume Plasma Device (LVPD), Ravenshaw University, Cuttack
PRAVEEN KUMAR ATREY / Design and Development of Microwave Interferometer and Reflectometer Systems for Plasma Diagnostics in Tokamak, Nirma University, Ahmedabad
RAMKRISHNA RANE / Experimental Study of Near Anode Plasma in Hollow Cathode Cross Field Discharges
AMITKUMAR PATEL / Study of Plasma in a Multi-Pole Line Cusp Magnetic Field
PRABHAKAR SRIVASTAV / Experimental Study on ETG Turbulence Induced Plasma Transport in Large Volume Plasma Device
PALLAVI TRIVEDI / Driven Phase Space Structures in a 1D Vlasov-Poisson Plasma
RUPAK MUKHERJEE / Turbulence, Flows and Magnetic Field Generation in Plasmas using a Magnetohydrodynamic Model
ALAMGIR MONDAL / Investigation of Laser Induced Plasma in Various Configurations
SAGAR SEKHAR MAHALIK / Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Resonance Absorption Phenomena in Intense Laser-Driven Atomic Nano-Clusters
GAURAV KUMAR SINGH / Study of Two-Phase Flows in Fusion Magnets
JERVIS RITESH MENDONCA / Flow Effects on Visco-Resistive MHD in a Tokamak
SRIMANTA MAITY / Molecular Dynamics Study of Single Particle and Collective Effects in Dusty Plasmas
PRACHI B. ORPE / Study of Magnetic Nanostructures in relation to its Atomic ordering and Oxidation State, Nirma University, Ahmedabad
JINTO THOMAS / Study of Laser Produced Plasma Plume and Its Dynamics in Nickel Thin Film, Institute of Science, Nirma University, Ahmedabad

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2000 (5)

DASTGEER, S. / Coherent, Nonlinear and Turbulent Phenomenon in Electron Magnetohydrodynamics Systems: A Thesis

GOSWAMI, MONOJOY / Self-Consistent Kinetic Analysis of a Bounded, 1-D Plasma in Equilibrium

GUPTA, DEEPAK KUMAR / Studies on High Pressure Non-Equilibrium Plasmas

RAMANA REDDY, DODLA V. / Collective Dynamics of Delay Coupled Oscillators

SENGUPTA, ANIRUDDHA / Tokamak Plasma Control Using Neural Network Techniques: A Ph. D.Thesis

2001 (6)
KARKARI, SHANTANU KUMAR / Studies on Electron Beam Interaction with Objects in Plasma
RAMASUBRAMANIAN, NARAYANAN / Studies on Short Duration Plasmas and Plasma-Surface Interaction Using Spectroscopic Techniques
SHARMA, DEVENDRA/ Self-Consistent Treatment of Plasma-Wall Interaction in Presence of an Oblique Magnetic Field
TRIPATHI, S. K. P. / Wave Generated Toroidal Radio Frequency Plasmas
GOSWAMI, RAJIV / Some aspects of Radiative Condensation Instabilities in a Tokamak
JOSEPH, BIJU K. / Electrostatic Turbulence in Toroidal Plasma

2002 (4)
SENGUPTA, SUDIP / Particle Simulation of Quark-Antiquark Plasma
SRINIVASAN, R / Study of High Beta Compact Toroidal Configurations
RAJU, D. / Study of Plasma Equilibrium and MHD Instability In ADITYA Tokamak
KHIRWADKAR, SAMIR SADASHIV / Studies on Toroidal Non-Neutral Plasmas

2003 (4)
PRADHAN, SUBRATA / Studies in Low Temperature Technical Superconductors
POORNAKALA, S. / Interaction of Intense Electromagnetic Pulse With Plasma
AHMED, SHAHID / Computational Modelling of Electromagnetic Pulse Simulators
RAVI, G. /E xperimental Investigation on a Large Laboratory Magnetoplasma

2004 (5)
SHARMA, PROMOD KUMAR / Low Frequency Instabilities in Toroidal Plasmas
YADAV, VIPIN K. / Studies on ECR Produced Plasmas
AGARWAL, ANUJ KUMAR / Experimental Studies in Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasmas
PAHARI, SAMBARAN / Electron Plasma Studies in a Toroidal Penning Trap
MAINAK BANDYOPADHYAY / Studies of an inductively coupled negative hydrogen ion radio frequency source through simulations and experiments, Max-Planck-Institut fur Plasmaphysik, Garching, Germany

2005 (1)
TANGRI, VARUN / Turbulent Transport in Magnatized Plasmas

2006 (4)
CHANDRA, DEBASIS / A Study of Tearing Mode Dynamics in Tokamaks
PRAMANIK, JYOTIRMOY / Study on Low Frequency Oscillations in a Dusty Plasma

JAIN, NEERAJ / Study of Electron-Magnetohydrodynamic (EMHD) Phenomena in Plasmas
TANNA, V.L. / Design and analysis of the superconducting current feeder system for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH Technik und Umwelt, Germany

2007 (6)
BANDOPADHYAY, INDRANIL / Study of Plasma Position and Current Control in Tokamaks
BANDOPADHYAY, PINTU / Experimental Studies of Low Frequency Oscillations and Nonlinear Phenomenon in Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasma
RAJNEESH KUMAR / Study of RF produced  Plasma Columns
PAUL, MANASH KUMAR / Investigation of Toroidal RF Plasmas
AWASTHI, L.M. /Study of High Beta Plasma in Laboratory
SINHA, SURAJ KUMAR / Effect of Process Parameters on Plasma Nitriding

2008 (4)    

PANDYA, HITESH KUMAR / Studies on Electron Cyclotron Emission from Fusion Plasma
CHAUDHURY, BHASKAR /Computational Studies of Radar Cross Section of Plasma Shielded Objects
BISAI, NIRMAL K. / Studies of Edge and SOL Turbulence in Tokamaks
GOURAB BANSAL / Feasibility Studies on Large-Current Capacity HTS Conductors for Fusion Magnets, Graduate University for Advanced Studies and National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), Toki, Japan

2009 (3)
KAUR, RAJWINDER / Study of Equilibrium and Fluctuations in a Currentless Toroidal Plasma Device
VIKRANT / Propagation of Relativistically Intense Electromagnetic Pulses in Plasmas
JANA, MUKTI RANJAN / High Power Ion Extraction and Acceleration System for SST Neutral Beam Injector

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1982 (1)
JAIN, K. K./ Studies on Interaction of a Rotating Relativistic Electron Beam with Plasma

1984 (2)
SEKAR, A.N./Non-Linear Processes in Plasma
AJAI KUMAR / Laboratory Studies of Afterglow Spectra for Molecular Gases

1986 (1)
KRISHNAMURTHI, USHA/Kinetic Stability of the Bennett Equilibrium

1987 (1)

KAR, CHITRA/Study of some Nonlinear Interactions of Kinetic Alfven Waves: A Thesis

1988 (2)
VIJAYA SANKAR, M. K./ Studies on the Effect of Seld Fields on the Propagation of Relativistic Electron Beam
CHENNA REDDY, D/ Studies on High Current Electron Rings in a Toroidal Device: A Thesis

1990 (1)

RATH, SHARADINI / Study of Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas: A Thesis

1991 (1)
ZAVERI, PURAVI/ Studies on Non-Neutral Plasmas: A Thesis

1992 (3)
DESHPANDE, SHISHIR P./ Non-Coronal Effects in Startup and Edge Instabilities in Tokamaks: A Thesis
SINGH, AJAY KUMAR / Studies on Nonlinear Waves in Laboratory Plasmas: A Thesis
BHATT, JITESH / Non-Linear Waves in Quark Gluon Plasmas

1993 (1)
GANESH PRASAD, K. S. /Study of Low Frequency Instabilities in Toroidal Plasma: A Thesis

1995 (2)
CHAKRABARTI, NIKHIL /Coherent Structures and their Stability in Inhomogeneous Magnetised Plasmas
MUKHERJEE, SUBROTO /Studies on Strong Ion Sheaths: A Thesis

1997 (1)
SANGEETA / Theoretical Investigation of Low Frequency Fluctuations in a Toroidal Plasma: A Thesis

1998 (1)
GANESH, RAJARAMAN / Studies in Statistical Mechanics of Magnetised Plasmas: A Thesis

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