The IAEA Fusion Portal

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) fosters international collaboration and coordination to help close the existing gaps in physics, technology and regulation and move forward in developing the peaceful use of fusion energy. The IAEA's activities in this field cover, among others, plasma physics and fusion power, technologies and material, both for magnetic and inertial fusion. The Fusion Portal is dedicated to all these activities, ranging from Conferences, Coordinated Research Projects, Meetings, Workshops and Schools, to providing News Media and Publications related to these projects.


The Fusion Device Information System (FusDIS), developed and maintained by the IAEA, focuses on fusion devices worldwide. FusDIS contains information on fusion devices public or private with experimental and plant designs, which are currently in operation, under construction or being planned, as well as technical data of these devices and country statistics, including research statistics from the Fusion Energy Conference series. All information is collected by the IAEA and undergoes a process of review involving the International Fusion Research Council.

IAEA Fusion Databases

CollisionDB - an open-source database offering extensive data on plasma collision processes. The database compiles peer-reviewed information on collisional cross sections and rate coefficients, all accompanied by verified metadata in a standardized and machine-readable format.

CascadesDB - a repository of simulations of the primary damage induced by fusion neutrons on reactor wall  

pwiDB - which contains data on plasma-wall interactions within fusion reactors.  

AMBDAS - a comprehensive bibliographic database of published literature on atomic and molecular processes relevant to fusion energy research.

IAEA Publications

The IAEA is a leading publisher in the nuclear field. Its more than 9,000 scientific and technical publications include international safety standards, technical guides, conference proceedings and scientific reports. They cover the breadth of the IAEA’s work, focusing on nuclear power, radiation therapy, nuclear safety and security, and nuclear law, among others.

ITER Technical Reports

ITER Technical Reports aim to make results of scientific and technical activities carried out under the ITER Agreement available to the public. Typically, they are versions of internal reports that have been deemed of interest for the wider scientific and technical community, but that have not been submitted for conventional publication in scientific journals, books, etc. Documents may be submitted for publication on this page by any scientist carrying out activities under the ITER Agreement. If you are interested in publishing an ITER Technical Report, the ITER Document Control Section ( is available to support you in the process.

arXiv: Plasma Physics

arXiv is a free distribution service and an open-access archive for nearly 2.4 million scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. Materials on this site are not peer-reviewed by arXiv.


JET Archive, Reports, Journal Papers and Preprints are accessible through the EUROfusion platform

US DOE Fusion Energy Sciences (FES)

The FES program mission is to expand the fundamental understanding of matter at very high temperatures and densities and to build the scientific foundation needed to develop a fusion energy source. This is accomplished by studying plasma and its interactions with its surroundings across wide ranges of temperature and density, developing advanced diagnostics to make detailed measurements of its properties and dynamics, and creating theoretical and computational models to resolve essential physics principles...


CERN, DESY, Fermilab and SLAC have built the next-generation High Energy Physics (HEP) information system. INSPIRE represents a natural evolution of scholarly communication, built on successful community-based information systems, and provides a vision for information management in other fields of science.

Directory of Physics Resources

"Physics is the study and application of the fundamental laws of nature, including the laws of motion, gravity, electromagnetism, heat, and microscopic interactions. These laws govern the behavior of objects at all scales, from the smallest subatomic particles to the entire observable universe. In between, physicists study nuclear reactions, the interactions of atoms with light, properties of solids, chaotic dynamics of fluids, and the evolution of stars and galaxies, among many other applications."

Plasma Science and Technology-Resources

Plasma science and technology are multilevel, multifacted, and multimedia as demonstrated here by diverse and comprehensive links to references, subjects, societies, publications, conferences, funding sources, formulary, glossary, newsgroups, and a broad-based Coalition for Plasma Science founded to increase public awareness and understanding of the plasma sciences and their many applications and benefits to society.

Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)

The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). We support electronic publishing and open access to scholarship in order to enhance the sharing of knowledge worldwide

Open Access Theses and Dissertations aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions. OATD currently indexes 7,448,961 theses and dissertations.

Physics and Astronomy Online

The physics and astronomy online portal! Feature latest physics news and editorials, extensive science reference and constants section, education section where you can ask our experts any physics or astronomy related question. Also, don't miss our fun page and our online science store.

FIRE Project Static Archive (1999-2016)

FIRE Fusion Power (Recent)

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world, driven by a growing community, committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone.

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)

DOAB is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers. All DOAB services are free of charge and all data is freely available.


OSTI.GOV is the primary search tool for DOE science, technology, and engineering research information. OSTI.GOV contains over 75 years of scientific and technical information from DOE and DOE predecessor agencies, and it employs an innovative semantic search tool enabling scientists, researchers, and the public to retrieve more relevant information. OSTI.GOV has over 3 million total records.

ECA and Conference Proceedings

The ECA series publishes abstracts from all conferences organised by EPS Divisions and Groups.