Publication Page Charge Policy
IPR Publication Page Charge Policy
(updated April 2017)
1) Publication charges will be paid only for those articles which have been routed through the Publication committee, and approved by the Director
2) The main communication author should be from IPR, or he/she must have been affiliated to IPR in the past (as Research Scholar, Post Doc) when the work was carried out/
3) Authors must adhere to the page limit set by the publisher and avoid payment of excess
page charges by IPR. In exceptional cases (answering referee queries etc.,) excess page
charges for one/two pages may be permitted provided the author discusses the
circumstances with the library committee prior to the final submission. Repeated
indulgence by same authors for excess page payment will not be permitted.
4) Waiver of charges for all publications should be sought from publishers as far as
5) Color figures/images in print journals incurring additional charges will not be permitted
irrespective of the impact factor of the journal.
6) Payment for publishing articles in open access journals will be permitted only for high
impact factor journals (>3) and library committee needs to be informed about the same
prior to submission.