I have prepared a report/ manuscript for submitting in a journal. Do I need to take permission from someone/ inform anyone before that?
Whenever a manuscript is prepared for submission in a journal/ conference, it needs to undergo the
‘Publication Review Process’ at IPR and obtain approval from the Director.
Do we have a Similarity Checker/ Plagiarism Checker tool at IPR?/ How can I get Similarity Checking done ?
IPR Library subscribes to the Plagiarism checking tool ‘IThenticate’. You can send your complete manuscript to library@ipr.res.in for getting the Similarity check done. You will be provided with a detailed report of the similarity index of your document.
What should be the Similarity Index to proceed for the review process?
You may proceed for review process if your similarity index is 10% or less than that.
What is Broadcasting?
After the similarity check of your manuscript, you have to submit it for Broadcasting on the Intra portal. Library broadcasts it to the IPR staff, through e-mail. Broadcasting is done twice a day- 11.00 am and 4.00 pm. Broadcasting is done for a period of 7 days.
Who is eligible to submit a document for broadcasting?
Any staff member/ Research Scholar who has access to Intra can submit a document for broadcasting.
I can login into Intra, but Iam unable to upload my manuscript there. Why?
Please make sure that your document is in pdf form and it’s file size is not more than 4MB.
Should I wait to fill up the publication form till the broadcasting is over?
No, you need not wait till the Broadcast is over. You may fill up the Publication form immediately after broadcast is announced in ipruserlist. Broadcasting and Review processes can go on simultaneously.
Where can I get the Publication form?
Publication form is available in the Intra portal Documents Document repository. The print copy is also available at the Library Counter. You have to fill it up and submit to the Library for further review process.
After submitting the Publication form, how shall I come to know about the status of my manuscript?
The Intra portal is updated every time there is a progress in the status of review of your manuscript, and simultaneously an e-mail is generated by the system to you. You may keep checking the status as soon as you get an alert from the Intra portal.
How is a Reviewer assigned to review my manuscript? Can I suggest a reviewer?
You are welcome to provide suggestions for your Reviewer to be assigned. However, the final decision is taken by the Publication Committee and a reviewer is appointed by them, based on subject expertise.
When should I expect a feedback from my reviewer?
The Reviewer has a time of two weeks (plus one) to provide 1st set of comments on a manuscript.
The Reviewer has recommended my manuscript. Can I go ahead and submit it to the Journal?
After the Reviewer recommends your manuscript, it goes to the Chairman of the Publication committee for recommendation, and finally to the Director for approval. The library informs you regarding the Director’s approval and then you can go ahead with the submission. Your manuscript is also published as an RR/TR in the Library, with a specific RR/TR number.